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* Study Background
No school
Primary School
High School / Sixth Form / Vocational School
University Student / Pre-grad
University Graduate
Higher degree of education
Field of studies (if applicable)
* Which Region are you playing in?
How long have you played World of Warcraft?
Less than half a year
Between half a year and year
Between a year and three (3) years
Above three years
* How long have you been in a leadership position within World of Warcraft?
Less than six (6) months
Between six(6) months and a year (1)
Between a year (1) and three (3) years
Above three (3) years
* The following sections deal with skills and knowledge related to Recruitment. Please identify as many actions as you can come up with related to recruitment and recruitment process. You can simply list them or write in longer, however you prefer to.

HR - Recruitment

Please answer as how much have you learnt of this topic directly from within the game (both practise or theory)
1 being very little to 5 being very much learned

You can add further actions and comments to the open space below this question

1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Promotion (promotion of your guild's open positions, how different methods affect applications received and their quality)
Evaluation (evaluation of either written or verbal application/s to your guild)
Integration into the guild (introductions, necessary information, etc.)
Other actions/comments related to Recruitment
HR - Rewarding

How much have you learned from these different actions
(1 being very little to 5 being very much learned)

You can add further actions and comments to the open space below this question
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Loot decisions
Raid spot priorization
Repairs, potions, crafted items, gold
Other gimmicks
Other actions/comments related to Rewarding
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