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Some people say there is an invisible barrier or a GLASS CEILING that hinders or excludes women from advancement to upper management positions. To what extent do you think that such a barrier exists IN TODAY'S AMERICAN BUSINESS WORLD?
To No Extent
To a Little Extent
To a Moderate Extent
To A Great Extent
To A Very Great Extent
To what extent do you feel a glass ceiling exists in your company?
To No Extent
To a Little Extent
To a Moderate Extent
To A Great Extent
To A Very Great Extent
Do you believe pay inequality exits between males and females with the same credential in your place of employment?
Yes a LARGE pay inequality exits IN FAVOR of FEMALE employees (females are more than males)
Yes a MODERATE pay inequality exits IN FAVOR of FEMALE employees
Yes a SMALL pay inequality exits IN FAVOR of FEMALE employees
NO, THERE IS NO PAY INEQUALITY between male and female employees (both earn the same)
Yes, a SMALL pay inequality exists IN FAVOR OF MALE employees (males earn more than females)
Yes, a MODERATE pay inequality exists IN FAVOR OF MALE employees
Yes, a LARGE pay inequality exists IN FAVOR OF MALE employees
In what was (if any) would you say your gender has impacted you chances of receiving (or not receiving) a promotion at your current workplace?
Very Negatively
No impact
Very Positively
What gender are you?
Do you believe Women lack ambition in comparison to men?
Strongly Yes
Slightly Yes
Both have equal ambitions
Women have more ambition than men
Do you believe Women are emotionally unsuitable for management positions?
Strongly Yes
Slightly Yes
Men are more emotional
Do you believe Women are intellectually unsuitable for management positions?
Strongly Yes
Slightly Yes
Women are more intellectually suitable than males for these positions
Do you believe Women are discriminated against because of their gender?
Strongly Yes
Slightly Yes
No their gender actually helps them
Thank you so much for taking your time to answer this survey!
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