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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* How many days of the week are you home when your child is home?
1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 7 days
* How many days of the week is your child home before you?
1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 7 days
* When your child is home with you how does she/he spend most her/his time?
Inside his/her room with door closed
With the family watching TV together
Inside his/her room with door open
Outside with friends
Alone but where family members can see him/her
* Are you married to the other biological parent of your child?
* How often is your child in trouble at school?
Once a week
Twice a week
Every day
Once a month
Once a year
* How ofter is your child in trouble at home?
Once a week
Twice a week
Every day
Once a month
Once a year
* What is your preferred method of punishment?
Grounding items
Grounding outings
* Does your child live ...?
in a two-parent home
in a single-parent home
in step-parent homes
with a guardian or other relative
* In the last month have you and your child done any of the following activities together (choose all that apply)?
Gone to a movie
Played a sport
Gone to a concert or related activity
Played board games
Not spent time together

* How does your child react when in trouble?
Accepts responsibility and punishment
Denies responsibility but takes punishments
Denies regardless of evidence provided
Denies until shown evidence
Blames others but admits to act
Stays quiet (shuts down)
Becomes agitated, yells, may sometimes be aggressive
Aggressive and defensive