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Have you ever traveled by plane before?
no yes

If yes, how often on average do you travel by plane?
once per year or every two years
a few times a year
once a month
every week/2 weeks


If yes, how often on average do you travel by plane?
once per year or every two years
a few times a year
once a month
every week/2 weeks


Which airline do you typically choose for air travel?
Air Cananda
Air Transat
American Airlines

Please rank from 1-5 the top attributes(s) that determines your choice of ailine when travelling?
frequency of flights
flight destinations scope
in-flight entertainment
loyalty program benefits (eg. Aeroplan)
aircraft environment: cleanliness, noise, model, aesthetics
flight crew service
tickets and passenger agent service
special attention service (eg. wheelchairs)
flight connection speed
check-in speed
in-flight comfort: pillows, blankets, seats, legroom
meals, snacks and beverages
luggage service reliability

American Airlines Westjet British Airways Air Canada Air France Cathay Pacific Delta Airlines Continental Airlines KLM Singapore Airlines Japan Airline
frequency of flights
in-flight entertainment
loyalty program benefits (eg. aeroplan)
flight crew service
ticket and passenger agents service
special attention service (eg. wheelchairs, medical services)
flight connection speed
check-in speed
in-flight comfort: pillows, blankets, seats, legroom
meals, snacks and beverages
luggage service reliability
aircraft atmosphere: cleanliness, noise, plane model, aesthetics
How would you rate Air Canada on the following points? (Please rank from 1-5, 1 being very bad, 5 being very good.)
Flight crew service
Tickets and passenger agents service
Special attention service (eg. wheelchairs, medical service)
Flight Connection speed
Check-in speed
In-flight comfort: pillows, blankets, seats, legroom
Meals, snacks and beverages
Frequency of flights
Flight destinations scope
In-flight entertainment
Loyalty program benefirs (Aeroplan), if applicable
Aircraft atmosphere: cleaniliness, noise, model aesthetics
Luggage service reliability

Did you know that Air Canada's spokesperson is Celine Dion


Did you know that Air Canada's spokesperson is Celine Dion?-
yes no
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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