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Help Desk Support:

How satisfied are you with:
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied N/A
overall quality of telephone support?
overall quality of on-site support?
knowledge and professionalism of the help desk support staff?
knowledge and professionalism of on-site support engineers?
communication and follow-up on problem resolution?
ability of help desk to diagnose your problem?
ability of the help desk to solve your problem?
time required to resolve your problem?
overall quality of the solution?
maintenance services offered?
Please tell us how we could improve the quality of support we provide to you or your organization:
[COMPANY] understands the service needs of my organization.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Not sure
Overall, how satisfied are you with the amount of contact between you/your organization and [COMPANY]?
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
Not sure
Overall, the quality of [COMPANY]'s sales department service is:
Very good
Would you recommend [COMPANY] services to colleagues or contacts within your industry?
Not sure
Other (Please Specify)
Why or why not?
Overall, I am very satisfied with the way [COMPANY] performed (is performing) on this project.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree N/A
service representatives are well trained. COMPANY
service representatives are well supervised. COMPANY
service representatives adhere to professional standards of conduct. COMPANY
service representatives act in my best interest. COMPANY
Overall, I am satisfied with the service representatives. COMPANY
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree N/A
The account manager is knowledgeable and professional. COMPANY
I feel like I have a good personal relationship with the account manager. COMPANY
The account manager is making a positive contribution to my business. COMPANY
The account manager responds to my inquiries in a timely manner. COMPANY
Overall, I am very satisfied with the account manager. COMPANY
What would be the primary reason for being very satisfied with [COMPANY] service representatives?
What would be the primary reason for being very satisfied with [COMPANY] account manager?
Compared to how you felt about [COMPANY] before this project, what would you say is the likelihood of completing another project with [COMPANY] now?
Better, based on performance
About the same
Worse, based on performance
Not sure
Considering the overall value of the project you paid for, was it
An exceptional value, worth more than you paid for it
A good value, worth about what you paid for it
A poor value, worth less than you paid for it
Not sure
Thank you for completing our survey. If you have any other comments for [COMPANY] please enter them below.
Thank you for visiting our Customer Support Satisfaction Survey. We appreciate your feedback on how we handled your recent inquiry! Please answer all questions, then click on the "Submit Survey" button at the bottom of the page.
Do you consider the problem resolved?
Was your question or issue resolved the first time you contacted technical support?
What is your overall satisfaction with this particular phone support experience?
Did you attempt to use our online support web site before making this call?
If yes, how satisfied were you overall with this online support experience?
How satisfied are you with our technical support in general?
We sincerely appreciate any comments or suggestions you have which will improve your satisfaction with our service.
In your most recent customer service experience, how did you contact the representative?

In person
By telephone
Through a dealer
There sufficient information available on the support web site to solve my problem.

Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Did our representative (Select all that apply):

Quickly identify the problem
Appear very knowledgeable and competent
Help you understand the causes and solution to your problem
Handle problems with courtesy and professionalism
About how long did you have to wait before speaking to a representative?
I was taken care of immediately
Within 3 minutes
3-5 minutes
5-10 minutes
More than 10 minutes
About how long did it take to get this problem resolved?
Immediate resolution
Less than one day
Between 1 and 3 days
Between 3 to 5 days
More than a week
The problem is still unresolved
How many times did you have to contact customer service before the problem was corrected?
Three times
More than three times
The problem is still not resolved
Overall, how satisfied are you with your customer service experience?
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
If you were less than totally satisfied, what could have been done to serve you better?
In evaluating your most recent customer service experience, was the quality of service you received:
Very poor
Somewhat unsatisfactory
About average
Very satisfactory
Would you please take a few minutes to describe what about the service experience stands out:
Was the process for getting your problem resolved:
Very poor
Somewhat unsatisfactory
About average
Very satisfactory
Would you please take a few minutes to describe what about the process of getting your problem resolved stand out:
Would you please take a few minutes to evaluate the customer service representative.
The customer service representative as very courteous.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Was there anything about the courteousness of the service that stands out as being superior?
Listened carefully
What about the representative could be improved?
Not patient
Not enthusiastic
Didn't listen carefully
No improvement needed
The customer service representative handled my call quickly.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
What would best describe what happened:
Kept me waiting on hold
Had to explain several times
Didn't know how to handle the problem
Had to ask others
Spoke slowly
No improvement needed
The customer service representative was very knowledgeable.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
What would best describe what happened:
Gave me the wrong information
They didn't understand the question
Gave unclear answers
Couldn't solve problem
No improvement needed
The waiting time for having my question addressed was satisfactory.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
My phone call was quickly transferred to the person who best could answer my question.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Please contact [email protected] or click here if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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