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Thank you for helping us evaluate our new service idea. We hope to bring this service to market to help busy parents and professionals like yourself buy clothes on-line in a convenient and hassle-free manner. This short survey will help us identify what aspects of the service are most important to you.

The entire survey should take about 10 minutes of your time. The survey will be open for about 10 days or till I get at least 100 responses. From the respondents I’ll randomly pick two winners who will each get a £25 Amazon gift certificate. In addition, the most helpful respondent will get a £50 Amazon gift certificate.

Please note all information gathered here is for analysing our new service and will not be shared with any 3rd party. Furthermore, this survey does not collect any personal information. The only information collected is your email address so that we can inform you if you win the gift certificate.

Thanks in advance,


[email protected]

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Demographic information
In this section, we are hoping to learn a bit about you (this information will help us identify what aspects of the product/service are useful to different demographic groups). We do not require any personal information.
* 1. Please indicate your gender:
Prefer not to answer
* 2. How old are you?
Under 18
65 or Above
Prefer Not to Answer
* 3. Which one of the following describes your employment status best?
Employed full time
Employed part time
Prefer not to answer
* 4. Which post code do you live in (please enter only the first 3 letters)?
* 5. How many times per year do you shop online (for any category e.g., clothes, electronics, travel tickets, groceries)?
Greater than 10
Current clothes shopping behaviour
In this section, we are hoping to learn a bit about how you buy clothes today
* 6. When you buy clothes, who do you shop for? (Check all that apply)

* 7. How much do you spend on shoes and clothes per month (in British pounds)
0 - 50
50 - 100
100 - 200
200 – 400
Greater than 400
8. Name five shops/ stores that you use most frequently to buy clothes
Store name
* i
* ii
* iii
* iv
* v
* 9. How much of your clothes are purchased online?
0 - 5%
5 – 10%
10 – 25%
25 – 50%
Greater than 50%
* 10. What are the main reasons for buying clothes online? (tick all that apply)
Better price
Bigger selection
Broader size availability

* 11. What would make you shop more clothes online?
TRYlista - the new service
TRYlista is an online service that allows you to order clothes from several stores and try them on at a convenient time in the comfort of your home before buying them. You combine the benefits of risk free shopping at high street stores with convenience of online shopping - as you pay only if you like something and you can order clothes from all your favourite stores in one transaction.

This is how it will work:
• Go to your favourite on-line stores (e.g.,,,
• If you like an item, click on a button to add it to your “try list”
• Add as many items as you like from different websites
• When you are ready to try-on the clothes, choose a drop-off and pick-up time slot
• On the designated drop-off time slot, a driver will drop off a box of clothes
• Try-on clothes at your convenience
• On the designated pick-up time slot, a driver will come to collect clothes – keep the ones you like and give back the ones you don’t
• You pay only for clothes you want
* 12. Based on the description, how well do you understand our service idea?
Don't Understand
Somewhat Understand
Understand Very Well
13. Is there anything else that you would like to see us add to clarify the service description?
* 14. If our new service were available today, how likely would you be to use it?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Moderately likely
Slightly likely
Not at all likely
* 15. Please explain (why / why not would you use this service and how we could make it more appealing to you)
Feedback on TRYlista
Please answer the questions below assuming that you would use this service:
* 16. How many times per year would you use this service?
0 – 2 times/ year
3 – 5 times/ year
5 – 10 times/ year
Greater than 10 times/ year
* 17. Assuming this service is supported by all your favourite clothing sellers, how much would you use this service (in the options 1 implies you will not use this service and 10 implies you will use this service to buy all your clothing)
18. Which shops/ stores would you really like to support this service (name at least five)
Store name
* i
* ii
* iii
* iv
* v
* 19. Where would you like to try-on the clothes
At home
At a family friendly store with ample parking (e.g., Ikea, Starbucks) near your home
At a convenient store near your work location
* 20. What home delivery option would you prefer
Regular delivery via Royal mail
Nominated date/ time delivery
Pick up service (you pick and drop the clothes box from a neighbourhood shop e.g., Spar Cost Cutter at your convenience)
21. Assuming this product/service encompassed everything that was important to you, what would you pay for it per use? (Please indicate your answers in British Pounds)
* What is the most you would pay?
* What is the least you would expect to pay?
* What do you believe would be the ideal price?
22. Once this service starts, would you like to try it? – if so please give your email address so that we can contact you
23. If you are not interested in trying out the service but would still like to be in the running for winning the gift certificate please give your email address (please note we will only contact you if you win)
24. Any final comments?
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