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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* How many semesters have you been in the TRIO-SSS program?
5 or more
* Which of the following TRIO-SSS services have you used in the past year? Please select all that apply.
Academic advising
Financial Aid assistance
College transfer assistance
CashCourse financial literacy workshops
Book Club

* Which workshops have you attended in the past year? Please select all that apply.
Note taking
Text book reading
Organizational skills
Time management

Please rate you level of satisfaction with the following TRIO services. If an item does not apply please select n/a.
very satisfied satisfied neutral dissatisfied very dissatisfied N/A
* Tutoring services
* Availability of tutors
* Computer availability
* Counseling/advising services
* Availability of counselor
* TRIO academic advising
* CashCourse financial literacy workshops
* College transfer information
How satisfied are you with the following:
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Disatisfied Very disatisfied N/A
* The appearance of the reception area in CH 117
* The appearance of the computer labs
* The computer desks
* The study tables
Please make suggestions about the office/labs below.
Please rate the timeliness of the services provided.
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissastified N/A
* Initial intake appointment
* Program acceptance
* Assignment of tutor
* Hours of operation
Please evaluate the following statements.
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree N/A
* The TRIO-SSS program is helping me stay in college and complete my degree.
* I would encourage a friend to join the TRIO-SSS program.
* I have found the TRIO-SSS program to be helpful.
What was your goal in joining the TRIO-SSS program?
Counseling/advising Services
Financial aid assistance
Transfer counseling

What are your future plans?
To graduate with an associates degree.
To graduate and transfer to a four-year institution.
To graduate and begin working.
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