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Travel and training takes time and money. Let's make informed decisions by sharing information. Let us know where you went, what you did, and what you thought. At this time only the submission form is available, but new features will be coming soon, such as seeing your colleagues' reports, being able to search by types of event, and focus of learning.
Email Address
Event Title
Event Link
Type of Event (Select all that apply)
Trade Show
Vendor Event
Webinar or Online Tutorial

Focus of Learning (Select all that apply)
Communications and Marketing
Customer Service
Interpersonal Skills Diversity/Teamwork
Product Information
Project Management
Server Systems/Administration

Event Start Date
Event End Date
Describe It. Tell us a little bit about the format and opportunities.
Why did you attend? Responses may be used internally at Penn State.
Thoughtful Analysis -- Summarize how this endeavor did (or did not) meet your needs and goals.
In-depth Intel: Let us know if you've blogged, posted, or tweeted about this somewhere else.
Soundbite: Give us a summary that could be shared publicly (in 140 characters, or less, please).
Afterthoughts: Any additional comments, feedback, or last notes that others may find helpful?
Please rate this event. Tell us what you really think.
Can I get a refund?
Once was enough.
I'd go again.
Sign me up for next time.
I'd pay my own way (ok, not really, but that's how much I liked it).
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