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Is there any traffic problem in Ahmedabad?
If yes, what according to you are the major traffic problems?
Fast and careless driving
Improper parking
Not following traffic signals
Lane switching

Can you recall any hoarding or print ad related to traffic problems/accidents? If yes, please describe briefly?
Please mention the location and position of the in case you recall a hoarding.
Rate questions related to this poster
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The hoarding effectively communicated the message.
The location of the hoarding good in catching the attention of drivers.
The style of hoarding was creative enough to communicate the message effectively.
It has brought change in my driving behavior.
Rate the following places of hoardings in terms of their effectiveness
Highly Ineffective Somewhat Ineffective Neutral Somewhat Effective Highly Effective
At the crossings
At the crossings with > 45 seconds stop of traffic signal
At and in front of hangout places, parks, cineplexes etc.
At highways and bigger roads which are less crowded with hoardings
Rate questions related to this poster
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I think a picture hoarding is effective.
I think hoarding with description along with the picture is effective
I think a photos/videos of real life accidents will be more effective
I think hoardings will be more effective if it is in a video format?
Give marks out of 100 for the poster above
Marks out of 100
I liked it
The concept looks realistic
It captures attention
It creates an overall impact
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