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* Would you return to Top O' The Ridge on your next visit to Acadia?
Very unlikely
Very likely
* Would you recommend our getaway to a friend or colleague?
Very unlikely
Very likely
How satisfied are you with the following services and accommodations during your stay?
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Overall Satisfaction
* Kitchen and dining
* Bath and laundry
* Bedrooms
* Living area
* Supplies
* Entertainment Systems
* Boating supplies
* Water access
* Weather during your stay
Cleanliness is very important yet we cannot be there before each arrival to review the cleaning. Could you please rate the cleanliness by area of the home so that we can assess any need for improvement?
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Kitchen
* Kitchen appliances
* Dishware, pots & pans, and utensils
* Baths
* Bedrooms
* Dining
* Living
* Lower Level
* Deck
How satisfied are you with the services provide by our Caretaker?:
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Grounds condition
* Welcome visit
* Issue resolution
* Supplies replenishment
* Friendliness / courtesy
Please provide additional detail regarding your answers and/or make comments / suggestions:
Please enter your name, (lessee) party and date of your stay (optional):
Thank you for choosing TOP O' The Ridge and for taking time to provide feedback
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