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Exit Survey
In your own words, briefly describe what your experience with this product.
What product features did you 1) Most appreciate, 2) Least appreciate
How unique is this cup?
Extremely unique
Very unique
Moderately unique
Somewhat unique
Not at all unique
How does this product compare to other cups that you have experienced?
Much better
Somewhat better
Neither better nor worse
Somewhat worse
Much worse
Do you believe this product has a point of differentiation to other cups? If so, what?
How much would you expect to pay for this cup?
$3.99 - $4.99
$5.00 - $6.99
$7.00 - $9.99
How likely would you be to purchase this product?
Definitely would purchase
Probably would purchase
May purchase
Probably would not purchase
Definitely would not purchase
Any additional comments or suggestions?