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The impact of stigma towards Indigenous juvenile offender recidivism.

  1. What is the research study about?
You are invited to take part in this research study. The purpose of this research study is to understand police perspectives on the impact of stigma towards Indigenous juvenile offenders and their tendency to re-offend. You have been invited because you are currently working as a New South Wales (NSW) Police Force Officer.
  1. Who is conducting this research?
The study is being carried out by researcher, Monica Castillo, UNSW Faculty of Arts and Social Science.
  1. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
Before you decide to participate in this research study, we need to ensure that it is ok for you to take part. The research study is looking recruit people who meet the following criteria:
New South Wales (NSW) Police Force Officers, either ranked as:
  • Inspector,
  • Senior Sergeant,
  • Sergeant,
  • Senior Constable,
  • Constable, or
  • Police student. 
  1. Do I have to take part in this research study?
Participation in any research study is voluntary. If you do not want to take part, you do not have to.
If you decide you want to take part in the research study, you will be asked to:
  • Read the information carefully (ask questions if necessary);
  • Complete the online questionnaire.
  1. What does participation in this research require, and are there any risks involved?
If you decide to take part in the research study, we will ask you to complete an online questionnaire. The questionnaire will ask you questions about your views on the impact of stigma towards Indigenous juvenile offenders and their tendency to re-offend. It should take approximately approx. 15 minutes to complete.
We don’t expect this questionnaire to cause any harm or discomfort, however if you experience feelings of distress as a result of participation in this study you can let the researcher know and they will provide you with assistance.

  1. What are the possible benefits to participation?
The information we get from this research study will be used by the researcher to learn how stigma can affect the likelihood of Indigenous juvenile offenders to re-offend. We hope to use information from this research study to generate new understandings of the ways that police view stigma towards Indigenous juvenile offenders and their propensity to re-offend.
  1. What will happen to information about me?
Submission of the online questionnaire is an indication of your consent. By ticking the ‘I agree to participate’ box below, you are providing your permission for the researcher to collect and use information about you for the research study.
  1. How and when will I find out what the results of the research study are?
The researcher intend to publish and/ report the results of the research study in a variety of ways. All information published will be done in a way that will not identify you.
If you would like to receive a copy of the results you can let the researcher know by email  at [email protected] . We will only use these details to send you the results of the research. 

  1. What if I want to withdraw from the research study?
If you do consent to participate, you may withdraw at any time. You can do this by closing the questionnaire. If you withdraw from the research we will destroy any information that has already been collected. Once you have submitted the questionnaire however, we will not be able to withdraw your responses as the questionnaire is anonymous.
  1. What should I do if I have further questions about my involvement in the research study?
The person you may need to contact will depend on the nature of your query. If you require further information regarding this study or if you have any problems which may be related to your involvement in the study, you can contact the researcher below:

Monica Castillo

The first three questions ask about your views regarding Indigenous juvenile offenders and re-offending behaviour.

How often do you have contact with an Indigenous juvenile offender per week? (Please tick one)
1 – 2 times
3 – 5 times
6 – 10 times
10 or more times


2. How significant are the following factors in influencing an Indigenous juvenile offender to engage in re-offending behaviour?  (Please tick the appropriate box for each listed item below)

Not Significant Significant Very Significant
Lack of support within the criminal justice system
Lack of access to effective diversionary programs (diverting from usual children court process)
Labelling as a ‘risk’ to the community
Unsafe home environment
Severe mental illness and disorder (e.g. depression, anxiety, bipolar)
Associations with other juvenile offenders
Family and domestic violence
Inadequate education and employment opportunities
Drugs and alcohol

3. What percentage (%) do you think an indigenous juvenile offender would engage in re-offending behaviour once reintegrate back into the community? (Please use slider to indicate percentage) 

Percentage (%)

The next three questions ask about your views on Indigenous juvenile offenders and stigma.


4. To what extend do you agree with the following statements? (Adapted from Cheng et al. 2013)

(Please tick one box for each statement below)

Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The community perceives Indigenous juvenile offenders as criminals
Indigenous juvenile offenders are dangerous and unpredictable
Indigenous juvenile offenders are considered ‘risks’ in the community
Most employers will not employ an Indigenous juvenile offender
It is best for the community to avoid Indigenous juvenile offenders

5. Do you think being ‘indigenous’ affects a juvenile offender to be accepted back into the community?

6. Please rank from 1 (most effective) to 9 (least effective), which of the following youth interventions or programs would be most effective in reducing stigma for indigenous juvenile offenders to prevent reoffending. (Adapted from Higgins and Davis 2014)  

(Please choose one number for each item)
Early intervention and prevention programs e.g. mentoring groups
Processes in the Children’s Court (i.e Koori Court)
Education and training programs with schools, TAFE and community colleges
Culturally appropriate and culturally competent programs and services
Access to services and support with finding employment
Diversionary programs focusing on re-offending behaviours and issues e.g mental illness, drugs and alcohol,
Community based programs e.g. PCYC, youth centres,

The last questions are general questions about you and your work.

Are you Male or Female? (Tick one)


8. What is your rank in the New South Wales Police Force? (Tick one)
Senior Sergeant
Senior Constable
Police Student

9. Where do you currently work? (Tick one)

The impact of stigma towards Indigenous juvenile offender recidivism.