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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - 15 simplified

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Instructions : Use the scale below to indicate how each statement applies to your team. It is important to evaluate the statements honestly and without over-thinking your answers.

3 = 经常Usually 2 = 有时Sometimes 1 = 很少Rarely
3 = 经常 Usually 2 = 有时 Sometimes 1 = 很少 Rarely
* 1. 团队成员是热情地和亳无保留地讨论问题。
Team members are passionate and unguarded in their discussion of issues.

* 2. 团队成员会直接指出彼此的不足之处或无效行为 (例如迟到、不诚实等)。
Team members call out one another’s deficiencies or unproductive behaviors.

* 3. 团队成员知道他们的同事在做什么,以及他们如何促进整体的利益。
Team members know what their peers are working on and how they contribute to the collective good of the team.

* 4. 当团队成员说或做一些不恰当的或损害他人的事情,他/她们会立即彼此真诚道歉。
Team members quickly and genuinely apologize to one another when they say or do something inappropriate or possibly damaging to the team.

* 5. 团队成员愿意放弃个人利益为团队作出牺牲。
Team members willingly make sacrifices (such as budget, turf, head count) in their departments or area of expertise for the good of the team.

* 6. 团队成员会公开承认自己的弱项和失误。
Team members openly admit their weaknesses and mistakes.

* 7. 小组会议是并不沉闷而且极具价值。
Team meetings are compelling, not boring.

* 8. 在会议中就算有少许分歧,大家都相信每个人会全力执行会议中的决定。
Team members leave meetings confident that their peers are completely committed to the decisions that were agreed on, even if there was initial disagreement.

* 9. 当未能实现团队目标,士气会大受影响。
Morale is significantly affected by the failure to achieve team goals.

* 10. 在小组会议上,可以把最重要和最难处理的问题「放在枱面上」得到解决。
During team meetings, the most important - and difficult - issues are put on the table to be resolved.

* 11. 团队成员十分担心指出其他人的不负责任会引致伤害。
Team members are deeply concerned about the prospect of letting down their peers.

* 12. 团队成员了解彼此的个人生活,并能舒适地讨论。
Team members know about one another’s personal lives and are comfortable discussing them.

* 13. 团队成员的讨论到最后都会有明确具体的决议,并落实执行。
Team members end discussions with clear and specific resolutions and calls to action.

* 14. 团队成员互相挑战彼此的计划和处事方式。
Team members challenge one another about their plans and approaches.

* 15. 团队成员并不急于让他人肯定自己的贡献,但很快会指出别人的贡献。
Team members are slow to seek credit for their own contributions, but quick to point out those of others.

如需任何协助,请联络展能学院职员XXX(XXX)。 (电邮:[email protected] 电话:XXXX XXXX)
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