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The recent civil war in Syria has displaced almost five million people. Which of the following positions regarding accepting Syrian refugees into the United States most closely matches your own view?

The United States has a moral responsibility to accept as many refugees from Syria as practically possible.
The government needs to put the safety of US citizens first—it’s too risky to accept any Syrian refugees.
We need to help our own citizens in need before we help those of other countries.
After a thorough screening process, the United States should accept a limited number of refugees.

Which of the following positions regarding national security most closely matches your own?

America’s national security policies should be focused on promoting American leadership in the world, and our military should be the main tool we use to mitigate threats from abroad. That’s why fully-funding the military is so important.
America’s national security policies should be focused outwards, and we should use diplomacy to mitigate threats from abroad. We need a smart foreign policy that recognizes our limits.
It’s time we stop focusing on and intervening in other countries—“national security” should mean an increased focus on domestic threats such as home grown terrorists and increased cyber security.
“National security” is just an excuse politicians use to extend the reach of government—spying on citizens and invading their privacy through organizations like the NSA and TSA.

Which statement about American foreign policy comes closer to your view?

America is not the world’s policemen. We can’t get involved in every conflict overseas. We need to focus on fixing America’s problems first.
The world is a safer place with American leadership. Instead of retreating from the global stage, America needs to become more involved to ensure the world is a safer place.

What’s most important? That America becomes…in the coming years?

1 More financially responsible, with a focus on reducing the deficit
2 More accepting of minority groups, including different races, religions, and sexual orientations
3 More outwardly focused—we should focus more on preventing problems like international terrorism and human rights violations
4 More inwardly focused—we should focus more on solving problems like domestic crime and terrorism
5 More united politically—we should focus on bipartisan solutions rather than vitriol and name-calling
6 Less reliant on federal laws and regulations, with a greater focus on individual and state rights
7 A land of more opportunity, with a better economy and lower unemployment rate
8 A bigger champion of civil liberties

Which statement about American foreign policy comes closer to your view?

America is not the world’s policemen. We can’t get involved in every conflict overseas. We need to focus on fixing America’s problems first.
The world is a safer place with American leadership. Instead of retreating from the global stage, America needs to become more involved to ensure the world is a safer place.

Which of the following best describes how you want the United States to react in response to domestic terrorism?

1 Pass gun control laws to make it harder for terrorists to obtain weapons
2 Extend the reach of US intelligence-gathering capability
3 Strengthen screening requirements for those entering the US
4 Focus on identifying home grown, lone-wolf terror suspects through better relations with the Muslim community
5 Increase police presence, especially in major cities

Which of the following statements is most persuasive in its support for gun control?

The simple truth is that there are too many guns in America. No other developed country has anywhere near the amount of gun violence that America does. It’s time we take action and reduce the number of guns in our country.
Every American has a right to own a gun, but with that right comes responsibilities. Sensible measures like background checks for all gun owners ensure that people can own guns while keeping them out of the hands of dangerous criminals.
We may already have gun control laws, but the simple fact is they aren’t working—it’s still easy for criminals to buy guns under the table or on the black market. We need to start from the drawing board to make new laws that hold criminals accountable while protecting upstanding citizens’ right to arms.
Americans shouldn’t have to be scared of encountering violent criminals or terrorists with guns every time they leave the house, but that’s the environment we’ve created here in America. We need to focus on keeping our citizens safe by restricting access to assault weapons.

Thinking about the qualities that you value most in your US Senators and Representative in Congress, which is most important to you?

1 New approach to governing
2 Experience in governing
3 Says what they mean and means what they say
4 Common sense
5 Great communicator
6 Intelligence