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In the following I ask you to watch and rate various clips in chronological order from a video on demand on Twitch from the streamer/esport xxx, which took place on xxx. It doesn't matter if you have already watched the whole stream or part of it.

All clips are automatically extracted using a self-developed algorithm, which is based on twitch chat.

The duration of all clips combined is approximately 30 minutes. Each clips last at least 60 seconds. Your ratings help me tremendously to evaluate this method for my master's thesis.

Please keep in mind that no automatic method will be perfect and most likely there will be clips you might not find enjoyable. I'd like to encourage you to watch all clips since preliminary results have shown that a clip is more likely to be a highlight than a non-highlight.
How familiar are you with this streamer/esports?
unfamiliar familiar
Did you like this clip?
I disliked it I liked it
How do you rate the length of the clip?
it was too short it was too long
Anything you want to mention?
All in all, how much did you like the clips?
I disliked them I liked them
* The next time you miss a stream (or part of it), would you rather watch such clips or use the video on demand (by watching it completely or trying to find highlights in it on your own)?
I would watch such clips
I would use the video on demand
I would use a combination of watching such clips and using the video on demand
Anything else you want to mention?