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1. Please provide details about your classroom. What is the age group and how many students are in the class? If there are multiple age groups please list all that apply.
2. Are there special need for the target audience? (ie: learning disabilities, social disadvantages, English as a second language)
3. What available funds does your institution provide for financial literacy?
4. How many total hours can you institution set aside for financial literacy education?
1 to 5 hours
5 to 10 hours
10 to 20 hours
20 to 30 hours
5. Is your institution concerned with state testing and would you like the financial curriculum to correspond to state requirements? Please provide details.
6. Please indicate your level of interest for subjects provided by your financial literacy curriculum.
Very Low Low Moderate High Very High
Banking, Saving and Budgeting
Credit and Debit Cards
Stock Market
Retirement Planning
Debt Management
Business Accounting
Fundamentals of Economics
Basics of Money
Tax System
7. What technology can your institution provide for the students and are you interested in computer-based curriculum?
8. Please indicate your level of interest for the following curriculum packages.
Very Low Low Moderate High Very High
Workbooks only
Workbooks plus Teacher Training
Outside Financial Educator
9. Please provide any additional information or special requests to help us find the most appropriate financial literacy curriculum for your classrooms.
10. Contact Information
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
Phone : 
* Email Address : 
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