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You are invited to participate in our survey of the Swiss US Energy Innovation Days 2016 in San Francisco. It will take approximately 3 minutes to complete the questionnaire. If you have questions about the survey, you may contact Marianne Zuend by email: [email protected]. Thank you very much for your time and support. Your comments will enable us to better plan and execute future conferences and tailor them to meet your needs.
Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Please specify the main reason for attending the Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days 2016 in San Francisco?
Personal Development
Did the conference fulfill your reason for attending?
Yes -- Absolutely
Yes -- But not to my full extent
How satisfied are you with the following:
Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Pre-Conference information by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy and swissnex San Francisco
Logistics and Guidance by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy and swissnex San Francisco during the entire event
Hotel Rex
Welcome Reception at the General Consul's Residence
Conference facility at UC Berkeley Campus (Starting Conference)
Panel Discussions Starting Conference
Networking dinner at University Club (Stadium) hosted by ABB
Site visit and mini-seminar at San Leandro's Net Zero Energy Center
Site visit at Tesla's Factory in Fremont
Site visit at OSISoft in San Leandro
Site visit at RWE New Ventures in the Cuckoo's Nest club
Networking dinner at MacArthur Park restaurant in Palo Alto
Workshop "Our Prosumer Future" at swissnex San Francsico
Workshop moderation by Chris Luebkeman
Do you have any general comments or observations?
Would you recommend this conference to others?
The Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days 2017 will very probably take place at the east coast of the United States. Do you have any comments or suggestions about what or who you would like to meet or visit (people, companies, high schools, research centers, government)?
If you know of any colleagues who might be interested in attending the next Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days, please provide your colleague's name and company:
Your Contact Information
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Email Address :