Hello: You are invited to participate in my survey [The popularity of sushi and its identity]. In this survey, you'll be asked questions about sushi. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary.
What is your nationality?  国籍をお答え下さい
What is your sex? 性別をお答え下さい
male 男性
female 女性
How old are you? 世代をお答え下さい
10 years old or younger
11~20 years old
21~30 years old
31~40 years old
41~50 years old
51 years old or older
Which do you think is the most "Japanese” food? '日本'食といえば?
How often do you eat sushi? どのくらいの頻度で寿司を食べますか?
Weekly or more 週に1度かそれ以上
Monthly 月に1度
Quarterly 3ヵ月に1度
Annually or less 年に1度かそれ以下
Where do you the most frequently have sushi?   どこの寿司を食べる事が最も多いですか? (近いものをお選び下さい)
at sushi restaurant 寿司屋
at sushi train restaurant 回転寿司
at home with sushi delivery デリバリー専門店のもの
at home with home-made sushi 家庭で作ったもの
Anywhere with convenient sushi コンビニやスーパーで売っているもの
Which sushi topping do you the most fluently choose? 下記の中で最も頻繁に食べる寿司ネタは?
Tuna  マグロ
White fish 白身魚
Clam 貝類
Shrimp エビ
Shrimp topped with avocado エビアボカド
Salmon サーモン
Salmon roe/ Sea urchin roe イクラ・ウニ
Thank you for your cooperation!