Please mark your current age?
18-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60+
* Name of company:
Please estimate how experienced you are with using Internet?
Very experienced (+5 years)
Very Inexperienced (Very basic knowledge)
* Does your business have a website today?
* IF NO: What is stopping you from having a website today? /// IF YES: What type of benefits has it brought the company
* Please mark the two (2) benefits you think are most important in consideration of having a website?
To stay ahead of Competitors
To sell directly online
To create brand awareness
Easy management of Website and Updates
To increase sales to existing customers
To reach new markets & Global Exposure
To improve credibility & Professional image
Cheaper & More flexible than TV/Print
To “always stay open” 24/7
To bring new customers
To better communication with customers
No manpower needed to run it

* If a basic website package includes all of the above, and you would be aware of all benefits, which price range would you consider reasonable?
Please mark which three (3) of the following services you find most interesting?
Online shopping cart/Payment setup
Redesign/improvement of website (if existing)
Professional photography services
SEO - Search Engine Optimization (High ranking in search results)
Professional sales copy/Ad creation
Implementation of content system (easily manage and update your website)
Graphical design (leaflets, posters, logos)
Facebook marketing & advice

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