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Thank you for taking time to participate in this survey.

The purpose of this questionnaire is for United Electric Controls (UEC) to identify how we can improve the way we communicate our current and latest product information to our distributors.

This is a 5-minute survey which will automatically close out once you complete the final segment on contact information.

Your responses will be kept completely confidential and will not be disclosed to your supervisors and co-workers.

If you have questions about this survey, please contact the Marketing Department at [email protected].

By checking the box below, you are verifying that you acknowledge the information above and agree to participate in the questionnaire.
* Q1. When was the last time you received a sales alert from United Electric Controls?
Q2. How often do you use the following channels to help keep track of the latest product updates from United Electric Control (UEC)?
Hardly (up to 25% of time) Occasional (up to 50% of time) Frequent (up to 75% of time) Very frequent (at least 75% of time) N/A
* Phone call to UEC
* Distributor only area (i.e resource portal on UEC website)
* UEC website
* Sales Alert
Q3. How effective do you think the following channels are in helping you to keep track of latest product introductions/changes from United Electric Control (UEC)?
Not effective Fairly effective Effective Very effective
* Phone call to UEC
* Distributor only area (i.e resource portal on UEC website)
* UEC website
* Sales Alert
* Q4. United Electric Control (UEC) sends out Sales Alert occasionally to inform distributors of any product updates. We are interested to find out your preferred channel of receiving such updates. Please rank the following channels of information distribution by using the pointer to drag and drop the boxes. (1-most preferred, 5- least preferred).
Drag your choices here to rank them
    For other channels, please list them below and indicate rank [e.g. Facebook (rank 3)]
    * Q5. How do you maintain a record of United Electric Control sales alerts for future reference? (Check all that apply)
    Archive in email inbox
    Save in computer hard drive
    Print and file a hardcopy
    Save in company's server

    * Q6. On average, how often do you log into the distributor only area/portal to obtain product and pricing information?
    Multiple times a week
    Once a week
    Once a month
    Once a quarter
    Once a year
    I am not aware there is a distributor only area
    * Q7. Please provide one suggestion on how we can improve the accessibility and/or functionality of the distributor only area?
    Please provide your contact information.
    * First Name : 
    * Last Name : 
    * Phone : 
    * Email Address :