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PART A Please tick down your personal information
a. <12
b. 12-14
c. 15-17
d. 18-20
PART B For the following questions, please tick or write down the answer which can best reflect your own opinion.
How long do you spend on watching TV per day in average?
a. less than 1 hour
b. 1-2 hours
c. 3-4 hours
d. 5 hours or more
e. Never
Have you found any sexual content (Eg.sexual scenes) in the TV programmes you watch?
a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Seldom
d. Never
What kind of sexual content have you seen?(YOu can select more than one)
a. Intimate behaviour between characters
b. Dialogues about sex
c. Sexual harassment
d. Others(Please specify)
d. Others (Please specify)

How much do you agree with that the TV programs nowadays have more sexual contents than before?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
What messages do you think those intimate contents have promoted by the TV programmes?(You can select more than one option)
a. Encourage safer sex practices
b. Consequences of unsafe sex
c. Encourage premarital sex
d. Encourage dating on early age
e. Others(Please specify)

What kind of messages do you think those sexual contents would have,positive or negative?
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Neutral
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