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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Do you know the brand Herbalife?
* If you have consumed Herbalife products, what are the reasons that you purchased?
Recommendations from others 別人的建議
Avoid to hurt the friendship 避免傷害友情
Lose weight 減肥
Weight gain 增肥
Nutritional supplements 補充營養
Increase muscle 增肌
Heart Health 心臟健康

* What is / are the feelings when I mention Herbalife?
當我提及康寶萊, 你有什麼感覺?
annoying 令人討厭的
expensive 昂貴的
healthy 健康的
fraudulent 欺騙的
cults 邪教
direct Sales 直銷
pyramid sales 層壓式銷售
nutritious 有營養的
Inducible 誘導的
unhealthy 不健康的

What are the attitudes as showing in the following towards Herbalife in Macau? ("1" represents very negative; "8" represents very positive)
請問您對於以下關於康寶萊的態度是? ("1"代表非常反面; "5"代表非常正面)
* Product 產品
* Sales method 銷售方式
* Brand image 品牌形象
* Sales person 業務員
Do you have any comments towards Herbalife in Macau? 對於康寶萊你有什麼意見?
* If you are the manager, how will you improve the brand Herbalife in Macau? 如果你是康寶萊經理, 你會怎樣改善康寶萊?
* Gender
* Age group?
below 18
18 to 25
26 to 33
34 to 41
42 to 49
50 to 57
58 or above