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How appropriate was the program length for you?
Not appropriate Somewhat appropriate Appropriate Very appropriate
If a longer Study Leave were available, would you participate?
Yes No
Was the self-directed nature of the program helpful?
Yes No
How did the faculty conversations assist your studies?
What aspect of this leave will benefit you the most as you continue in ministry?
What aspect of this leave was least beneficial?
What changes would you recommend to the program?
How did you learn about the Study Leave program?
Please rate the following:
Poor Average Excellent
Personalized Schedule
Duke Card Flex Plan
Leadership Education Staff Communication and Assistance
Orientation Materials
What are your most pressing needs for continuing education?
Please share any additional comments about the Study Leave program.
Do you know someone who would appreciate knowing about Study Leave? If so, please provide their contact information.
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Address 1 : 
Address 2 : 
City : 
State : 
Zip : 
Phone : 
Email Address : 
The required portion of the evaluation is complete. You are invited to continue with the optional portion below.

Click 'Submit' at the bottom to send all your responses.
Please help us serve you better by providing the following optional demographics:
How large is the congregation you serve currently?
What is your church budget?
How many years have you served in ministry?
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