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Student Survey

Leataata Floyd Elementary School
Climate Survey – Student
Exit Survey
We want to know what YOU think about our school. Please answer each question truthfully.

Your answers will help make our school a better place!

* What grade are you in?
* My classroom number is:
How satisfied are you with the following:
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* I feel safe at school.
* I feel safe in my classroom.
* I feel safe at recess, lunch and around campus.
* Students at this school are teased or picked on.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
Students at this school care about each other.
I help decide things like class activities or rules.
Adults at school listen to students.
In my school, students are given a chance to help make decisions.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* I have fun learning at school.
* When I don't understand something in class, I ask questions.
* I feel like I have enough help with work in class when needed.
* I feel confident that I am able to do the work that is given to me by my teachers.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* There is at least one adult at this school whom I feel comfortable talking to about things that are bothering me.
* Other adults at school besides my teachers know my name.
* I feel safe and comfortable with my teachers at this school.
* When my teachers tell me not to do something, I know they have a good reason.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* Students in this school help each other, even if they are not friends.
* Students here treat me with respect.
* When students see another student being picked on, they try to stop it.
* Students at this school help each other learn.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* I feel close to people at my school.
* I am happy to be at my school.
* I have lots of friends at school.
* I feel like I am part of this school.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* The teachers at this school treat students fairly.
* I am included in lots of activities at my school.
* This school is a welcoming place for families like mine.
* My family wants me to do well in school.
* I have supports for learning at home.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* My teachers make an effort to represent my culture in class lessons.
* The books and lessons in my classes include examples of my race or ethnic background.
* Most students at this school try hard to do well in school.
* Teachers and other adults in this school believe that all students can do good work.
* My teachers and adults at school stay calm and know how to manage their emotions and feelings.
* My teachers teach me strategies to stay calm and manage my emotions and feelings.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* Most students in my school stop and think before doing anything when they get angry.
* Most students in my school get into arguments when they disagree with people.
* Most students in my school think it’s OK to cheat if other students are cheating.
* Most students in my school try to work out their disagreements with other students by talking to them.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* Most students in my school do their share of the work when we have group projects.
* Most students in my school do all their homework.
* Most students in my school give up when they can’t solve a problem easily.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* Most students in my school try to do a good job on school work even when it is not interesting.
* Most students in my school think it’s OK to fight if someone insults them.
* Most students in my school say mean things to other students when they think the other students deserve it.
* Most students in my school do their best, even when their school work is difficult.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* At my school, there is a teacher or some other adult who tells me when I do a good job.
* At my school, there is a teacher or some other adult who believes that I will be a success.
* At my school, there is a teacher or some other adult who doesn’t let students give up when the work gets hard.
* At my school, there is a teacher or some other adult who often requires me to explain my answers.
Almost never Some of the time Most of the time Almost always
* Overall, Leataata Floyd Elementary students are Respectful, Responsible, and Hardworking at school.
* What do you like about this school?
* What helps or would help to make our school feel safe?
* What do you wish were different in your school or classroom?