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Dear Students: Thank you for taking the time and effort to respond to this questionnaire. Please give your most candid and thorough response to the questions below. Please note that your answers are not required to pass the class; please note that your answers are anonymous.

I. Yourself as a Student
Status of this class in your program
Free elective
Other degree requirement
Class Year
Rate the amount of work you did
Almost none
What was assigned
More than just what was assigned
Rate the level of your involvement in the activities of this course.
Very uninvolved
Somewhat involved
Enthusiastically involved
II. General Evaluation of the Course

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The course objectives were clear
The readings supported course objectives
The writing exercises supported course objectives
The amount of reading you were asked to do was appropriate
The amount of writing exercises you were asked to do was appropriate
As a result of this course, my writing has improved.
As a result of this course, my critical reading skills in fiction have improved.
As a result of this course, my interest in fiction writing has increased.
What overall rating would you give the course?
Very Poor
What are the major strengths of this course?
What are the major weaknesses of this course?
III. General Evaluation of the Instructor
Never Sometimes Usually Most of the time Always
Was the instructor knowledgeable about the craft of fiction?
Was the instructor considerate to you?
Was the instructor effective in teaching in the course?
Was the instructor enthusiastic about the course?
Was the instructor available for outside help? (i.e. office hours, email, etc)
What overall rating would you give the instructor?
Very poor
What would you recommend to improve the instructor's performance?
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