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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* 1. Age: ______
<35 years old
35-45 years old
46-55 years old
>55 years old
* 2. Current Designation: ____________
* 3. Please indicate the Cluster your School/Department belongs to:-
Development Cluster (EDU, LIB)
Technology & Industry Cluster (TDO, PACE, IS)
Student & Academic Affairs Cluster (AS, DSD, DSS, ARO)
Administration Cluster (ED, FIN, INDT)
Corporate Planning & COMM Cluster (CCOM, OD)
Architecture Design & Environment Cluster (SD, ABE)
Applied & Health Sciences Cluster (CLS, MS)
Business, IT & Humanities Cluster (SB, CASS, DMIT)
Engineering Cluster (SMA, EEE, MAE)
4. How long have you been in the role of a Reporting Officer (RO) in SP? (Please proceed to question 6 if you currently do not have staff reporting to you.)
<2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
>10 years
5. What is the size of your team?
1-5 staff
6-10 staff
11-20 staff
>20 staff
* 6. How do you think you could have been better prepared in the first two years after you have been appointed a RO?
Attend training programmes that will prepare you for the managerial
Have a good mentor whom you can turn to for guidance and advice
Given greater authority
Others (Please elaborate):

7. What are the obstacles that you face as a RO? (Please rank the options according to the level of relevance, i.e. 1= least relevant, 5=most relevant)
Difficult, uncooperative subordinates/team members
Large team
Mismatch of personal and management goals
Heavy workload
Limited power to make decisions/delegate
Management’s plans are not clearly defined/communicated
Limited support from management
No mentor to seek advice or guidance from
Others (Please specify):
* 8. How do you overcome the obstacles mentioned in Question 7?
* 9. What are the success factors of a good RO?
Able to identify and recruit people who will put SP’s interests first, who understand and support the desire for a high-performance workplace
Able to assign subordinate tasks that suit his skills and abilities
Able talk openly about issues with bosses, colleagues and subordinates
Tell the truth about performance
Have enough time to handle the people aspects of the team
Be able to engage team and provide job fulfilment
See the need of owning the job of creating great teams
Be aware of sub-culture that might require different management
Others (Please specify):

10. Do you think any of the following programmes will be useful to you? (Please indicate a Y=Yes, the course is useful and N=No, not useful.) In addition, you may refer to the link for more details on the individual courses.{C1E70021-1F53-E311-A3BC-001560A3FDED}
General Management:XXX
Managing Teams:VVV
Staff Engagement:TER
Strategic Leadership:WERE
Leading Change:WASF