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Please complete this form if you are interested in becoming a trustee of Southwark Travellers Action Group. The answers you will help us develop a strategy for the organisation and the running of the board and will be used to draft STAG's constitution which will be adopted at the board's first meeting.

Email Address
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Address 1 : 
   Address 2 : 
* City : 
*   : 
* Postcode : 
* Phone : 
* Email Address : 
MISSION: Though STAG's activities have evolved over time, the organisation has always stuck broadly to the same mission. Originally set up in 1991 to campaign for the council to provide more Traveller sites, STAG's original mission statement was; 'to improve the living conditions of Travellers in Southwark'. Once the council had increased its Traveller site provision to 4 sites, the mission changed; 'to address the disadvantages faced by Travellers and to ensure that the living standards of the community are in line with those of other groups within society'. How would you define STAG's mission?
A charitable organisation must have wholly charitable purposes which are for the public benefit. The Charities Act 2011 sets out a strict definition of charitable purposes. As a trustee you will be responsible for setting the strategic direction of STAG. Please tick the charitable purposes which you feel STAG as an organisation ought to pursue.
a) the prevention or relief of poverty;
b) the advancement of education;
c) the advancement of religion;
d) the advancement of health or the saving of lives;
e) the advancement of citizenship or community development;
f) the advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science;
g) the advancement of amateur sport;
h) the advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation or the promotion of religious or racial harmony or equality and diversity;
i) the advancement of environmental protection or improvement;
j) the relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage;
k) the advancement of animal welfare;
l) the promotion of the efficiency of the armed forces of the Crown, or of the efficiency of the police, fire and rescue services or ambulance services;
m) other purposes currently recognised as charitable and any new charitable purposes which are similar to another charitable purpose.
Other [if (m) is ticked]

ETHOS AND VALUES Traditionally STAG's ethos has been defined by the following values. Please comment on the values individually, as a trustee you will outline the organisation's ethos and ensure that it adheres to its values: 1. STAG believes in the legitimacy of Traveller cultures and has no interest in dilluting or infringing on the Traveller ways of life.
2. STAG is a Traveller led organisation*. It aims to represent rather than 'lead' the Traveller community.* Should STAG have a rule on the minimum % of Travellers represented on the board?
3. STAG is independent.
4.STAG is confidential within the limits of the law.
5.STAG's services are available to all Irish Travellers and English Gypsies regardless of where they live.
6. STAG offers an equal service to all Irish Travellers and English Gypsies within the limits of its capabilities. (In practice, due to restrictions placed by external funders and due to STAG's historic ties and location the majority of STAG's work is with Irish Travellers based in Southwark)
Are there any other values which you believe the organisation should be governed by?
How often are you able to meet with the trustees?
When would be the best time for board meetings?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
What skills, interests and knowledge would you bring to your role as a trustee of STAG? Do you have experience in managing financial accounts? Do you have any special interest in any area of STAG's work?
All trustees will be responsible for the governance of the organisation, however there are some specific roles which need to be filled. The board of trustees will elect a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary at its first meeting. The Chair will chair meetings and will have the 'casting vote' if members' votes are equally split on a decision. The Treasurer will take responsiblity over the organisation's finances. The Secretary will be responsible for taking notes in meeting and arranging future meetings. Are you willing to take on any of these positions? (Tick all that apply)

Do you have any conflicts of interest or conflicts of loyalty to declare? You will not be disqualified if you have conflicts of interest but please declare them.
Any other comments or questions to be brought up at the first board meeting?
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