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SPUG 2014 - Pre Survey

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Please share your name with us - we promise to take great care in protecting your information!
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Phone : 
Email Address : 
In the past few years, we have released many new features to SurePower Innovation®. Is your company taking advantage of these features?
Yes No Might in the Future No – Do not need Do not know what this feature does Never heard of this feature
Attachment Annotation
Email to Attachment with Automatic Workflow Triggering
Split Billing with Billing Entities
Statement Billing
Credit Card Installment Billing
Varying Installment Fees by Payment Type
Refunds via Credit Card and ACH
Claims Payment Worksheets, Deductible Tracking and Holdback Tracking
Claims Fraud Detection Framework
ACH Payments to Claimants
Producer User Account Self-Maintenance
VIP Customer Level
Underwriter Quote/Application Request Review
What is the best way for us to communicate new features and their potential benefits to you and your company?  (Drag and rank by order of preference)
Drag your choices here to rank them
    Do you have any other communication suggestions?
    Would you support using any of the following new insured payment methods?
    Yes No Maybe Later
    Pay with PayPal
    Pay with Amazon
    Pay with Bitcoins
    Pay with Apple Pay
    What are the 3 most important big technology projects planned for your company? (Drag the three to the top and rank them in order of importance)
    Drag your choices here to rank them
      Is there another technology project in your plans that is not listed above?  Please share:
      How is the agent's role in insurance transactions changing?
      Increasing in importance
      Staying the same
      Decreasing in importance
      I am not sure
      If you serve in an executive function, what budget percentage is spent on IT and IT-related projects? Slide the gauge to the appropriate percentage for each category (from 1 to 100).
      % spent on IT based on Operating Expense
      % spent on IT based on Written Premiums
      How important are the following native mobile apps? (Drag and rank 1-6 with 1 being must important).
      Drag your choices here to rank them
        * If we were to host a one-day summit in 2015 on Innovation in Mobility, would you be interested in attending?
        Do you have any mobile web or native mobile projects in-flight or nearing launch today?
        Thank you for completing this survey. You are now entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card.

        Survey results will be used during one of the keynote sessions at our 2014 SurePower User Group Conference in Nashville. Results also can be seen in real-time on the next page, so you will see how your responses compare to the overall survey population.

        Information is key – and we at ISCS are happy to provide this information for your team’s success!