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Which of the following best describes where you are in your spiritual life?
I am just starting to explore how to grow spiritually
I consider myself a Christian, though my faith is not a significant part of my life
I believe in God, but I’ve not crossed the line into a personal relationship with Jesus
I’ve definitely “crossed the line” into a personal relationship with Jesus.
I have a solid relationship with Christ that makes a difference in my life
I have and intimate relationship with Christ that influences my daily life.
Christ is the most important relationship in my life.
How would you describe your current pace of spiritual growth?
I am in a season of rapid spiritual growth
I am growing at a moderate, but not rapid rate
I am growing at a slow but steady rate.
I am content with staying right where I am at spiritually
I have stalled spiritually
Have you had a time in your life when you have stalled spiritually?
I have never stalled spiritually.
within last month
within last year
within 2 to 5 years
more than five years
During the time you were last stalled spiritually, were you attending Cornerstone?

Which of the following reasons caused you to stall spiritually? (Select all that apply)
Not having support of others (e.g. spouse, friends)
Lack of discipline in spiritual practices (e.g. not incorporating prayer and or bible study into life)
Medical issues
Doubts about my faith (Questions about God’s existence, not trusting fully in God)
Inappropriate relationships ( e.g. emotional or physical affair)
Letting other activities take precedence (e.g. too much TV, sports, Internet)
Lack of spiritual friends and/or mentor
Lack of meaningful church community (e.g. not helping me further my relationship with God.)
Pain caused by other Christians
Ineffective Church leadership (e.g. not inspiring, out of touch)
Abuse (e.g. Physical, Verbal)
Addictions (e.g. out of control spending, drugs, gambling, alcohol)
Personality issues (e.g. too much pride/ ego, withdrawn)
Conflicting responsibilities (e.g. Job, family)
Relationship troubles (e.g. marital disharmony, difficult work or parenting situation)
Traumatic experience (e.g. death in family, loss of job)

Which of these factors was responsible for helping you to move on from being stalled spiritually? (Select all that apply)
Just came to grips with the situation on my own.
Connected with God in a powerful way through prayer, solitude, and/ or scripture.
Attended a support group
Shared my struggles with a friend.
Experienced a personal crisis.
Participated in counseling
Joined or attended a small group at church.
Switched to a new church.
Had a change in life circumstances (e.g. had a child, changed jobs, got married)
Had a spiritually moving experience (e.g. retreat, inspiring speaker, motivational book)
Met someone who inspired me
Started attending church regularly

Overall, how satisfied were you with Cornerstone’s role in helping you become unstalled?

Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Below are different statements regarding your spiritual life. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement by checking the appropriate circle.
Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree
I believe the God of the Bible is the only true God.
I believe in one God- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I exist to Know, Love, and serve God.
I love God more than anything else.
I believe that I cannot Grow as a Christian unless I am an active member of a church.
I Believe nothing I do or have done can earn salvation.
I have a tremendous love for people I know and those I don’t.
I believe God is actively involved in my life.
I believe a Christian should live a sacrificial life not driven by the pursuit of material things.
I believe everyone made in God's image is of equal value, regardless of race, religion, or gender.
I believe the Bible has decisive authority over what I say and do.
I believe people who reject Jesus as Savior will not be granted eternal life in heaven.
I believe God has called me to be involved in the lives of the poor and suffering.
How many years has it been since your faith first truly became important to you (e.g. you ‘Crossed the Line’ into a relationship with Jesus)?
Less than a year
1-2 years
3-10 years
11-25 years
More than 25 years
Which of the following statements describes what was going on in your life when your faith began to become important to you? (Select all that apply)
I had a life altering experience (e.g. birth of child, illness, death)
I was raised in a Christian home, faith was always important
I had a change in life circumstance (e.g. left home, got married, went to college)
I was inspired by the way a Christian I knew lived his/her life.
I was having significant problems in my relationships (e.g. marriage, friends, family)
I was searching for higher purpose.
I was challenged by someone to examine the state of my spiritual life.
I participated in a faith moving experience (e.g. mission trip, retreat, ministry program)
I went through extensive prayer and/or bible study.
I felt something was missing in my life.
I knew certain negative patterns in my life needed to change (e.g. sins, addictions, anger)
I wanted my children to be exposed to Christianity.
I felt an almost unexplainable interest or attraction to God and Jesus.