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What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female

 What is your age?

a. Less than 18
b. 18- 24
c. 25-29
d. 30-34
e. 35-39
f. 40 and above

 What is your favorite brand?

a. Coke
b. Pepsi
c. Gourmet

How preference are you with the following:

Where is the most common place that you purchase soft drinks?

How many months have you been at your current residence?

Please indicate your level of agreement and disagreement with each of the following statements

Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
I have preference for one or more brands in soft drinks

Please indicate your level of agreement and disagreement with each of the following statements

Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
I usually purchase the same brand within soft drink Class

For those who have chosen Coke as their preferred brand 
If the price of the Coke is increased would you switch to another brand?
