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Would you consider yourself a recreational baker? If yes, how often do you bake?
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year
For special events or occasions
No, I don't consider myself a recreational baker

Is there other forms of crafting or creative outlet you enjoy? Choose more than one.
Art (Drawing, painting, sculpting)
Do you typically decorate your baked goods? If not why? (Choose more than one)
Yes, I like to decorate my baked goods
No, decorating requires too many equipment and gets too messy
No, frosting/decorations add more calories and can be too sweet
No, decorating is too complicated
No, decorating takes too much time
Have you ever purchased and used ready-made decorations before?
Yes, I buy ready-made decoration for most of my baking
Yes, I buy ready-made decoration to create custom looks for my baked goods
Yes, I buy ready-made decoration to compliment my party theme
No, ready-made decorations are not very tasty
No, ready-made decorations are too expensive
No, ready-made decorations have too much food coloring and preservatives
No, ready-made decorations limits my creativity
Have you ever used fondant or gumpaste to decorate your cakes or cupcakes? If you have what did you like about it?
Yes, I liked the creative flexibility
Yes, I liked the taste
Yes, I like the convenience
Yes, I have used fondant but did not like it
No, I have never use either product
If you have bought ready-made fondant from a store before, which of the following best describes your experience?
I did not like the taste
I did not like it because the ready made fondant was too hard to use
I did not like it because it cost too much
I did not like it because there are too much preservatives and food coloring
I have never bought store bought /ready made fondant before
I liked store-bought ready-made fondant
If there were a fondant based ready-made decorating product that is more convenient, used more natural ingredients, tastier and still creatively fun, would you consider purchasing it?
Depends on price
Depends on taste
Depends on occasion

If you would consider purchasing this fondant based decorating kit that had enough supplies to decorate more than 2 dozen cupcakes, what would be the most you would spend on this product?
I would not buy this product
Which of the following best describe your employment status?
I am employed and work about 40+ hours a week
I am employed and work less than 40 hours a week
I am not employed and looking for work
I am not employed and NOT looking for work
Disabled, not able to work
Which of the following is your household income?
$20,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $79,999
$80,000 to $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999
$150,000 to $199,999
$200,000 or more
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