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* Password is consider stronger if it is at least:
A. 12 Characters – contains alpha numeric
B. 8 Characters – contains alpha numeric , special character , upper and lower case
C. 5 asterisk (*****)
D. 10 Characters
* Why longer password is recommended for better security?
A. Longer password takes more time to type, it is convenient
B. Makes it difficult to guess and hard to crack by dictionary or brute force attack
C. Longer password is difficult to remember
D. None of the above
* How to select a secure password?
A. Same as my user name , so it is easy to remember
B. Part of my name and mobile number
C. 8 characters - contains upper case, lower case, special character, non-dictionary word
D. “Secure Password” is my password
* Who has right to know my password?
A. Only my family member so that they can check my e-mails
B. My Manager and above
C. My co-worker
D. No one, except me. Sharing password is unacceptable at ISYX

* I suspect that my password is compromised, what should I do now?
A. Let me wait till next working day, nothing happened so far
B. I will e-mail system administrator to change my password
C. I never suspected anyone so far , my heart is good
D. I will change password immediately or will demand immediate support from system admin
* Aaaa1@bbb, abcd@123, qwerty123, zxy321 – Is it a quality password?
A. Yes – It is more than 8 characters contains upper, lower, special and number
B. Yes – except last two
C. Not sure
D. No – Quality password should not have 3 repeated or consecutive letters, ascending, descending or keyboard pattern such as qwerty
* What is the risk of not having secure password?
A. Password can be cracked easily by brute force tool
B. Password can be guessed
C. Unauthorized access to my account
D. All of the above
* I use one strong password to access all my accounts, is it a good practice?
A. Not at all, all your account will be compromised if any one of your password is leaked
B. Yes, it is okay with me
C. Need expert suggestion on this please, this is a pain area
* I handle around 10 different complex passwords, I do this to remember - - - - -
A. I write it on my desk
B. I write it on my phone
C. Writing password is an insecure practice
D. I use mobile password vaults application from trusted company
E. I don’t know how to solve this issue, I suffer often
* Does Passphrase offer better protection than password?
A. What is passphrase?
B. True
C. False