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* When you are not engaged in a fast-paced and active environment, how do you manage your down-time?
* Do you prefer to focus on one task at a time to completion or work on multiple tasks at the same time?
* How do you feel about being called in on your day off due to staff shortages or a supervisor callout? 
* How would you support an unpopular operations decision made by management that you agree with but some of your fellow supervisors do not?
* When dealing with a difficult situation or problem do you rely more on your experience or help from others?
* Based on what you know about our department, facilities and programs, what area of aquatic operation is your strength (risk management, safety, skills, teaching, customer service, etc.)? Explain your answer.
* What area of operation is your weakness? Explain your answer.
* If there was something that you would change about our Aquatic Program or department, what would it be and why? How can you impact that change?
* What are the current strengths of the supervisory team? Weaknesses?
* What can we, the entire aquatics team including management, learn from you?
* Scenario 1: You are the supervisor on duty. There is an altercation between guests with one guest stating their daughter was repeatedly splashed by the son of the other guest. The guest reprimanded the son of the other family. How would you handle this situation?
* Scenario 2: You are the incoming supervisor. The outgoing supervisor states they did not feel like backwashing or cleaning the chlorinator because they knew you enjoyed it. This seems to happen regularly. What would you do?
* Scenario 3: You in rotation and are not the supervisor on duty when you see someone consuming alcohol in an unauthorized area outside of your zone. How do you handle the situation?
* Scenario 4: During your supervisor shift on a busy day, you respond to two whistles at River 1. You arrive to find an angry guest stating that the guard and the attendant would not allow his child, an adult with special needs, in an inflatable tube of their own. After you let the guest know the rule, he continues to yell. You notify management of the situation. Management allows the personal tube. How would you further handle the situation with the staff and the manager? 
* Scenario 5: During your supervisor shift, you notice a guard talking with a family throughout their shift while on surveillance duty. At the end of the night, the family comes to you with a compliment for the guard. How do you handle this?
* Name an attendant you admire and explain why. 
* A veteran guard has just failed a commonly practiced skill during a Red Cross Audit and is visibly upset. How would you manage this situation?
* You are running a remediation live recognition drill at Meltdown Front. During rotation, the outgoing guard is observed talking to the incoming guard and pointing toward the water. The incoming guard immediately blows three whistles and retrieves the silhouette. What conversation, if any, do you have with both guards?
* A new guard is two weeks into their employment and they are still not getting skills correct during training. What recommendations would you make for this new guard?
* Another supervisor regularly corrects staff during training by telling them what they did wrong. How would you approach your fellow supervisor and correct their feedback?
* Who is your biggest role model (not work related) and why?
* Can you describe a time when you led a group of people to complete a task or were "in-charge" of seeing that a task was completed?
* What is the hardest part of being a lifeguard? 
* What do you think the hardest part of being a supervisor will be?
* What can you do to support the lifeguards and water attendants?
* Please rank the following in order of importance to YOU (1 being MOST - 13 being LEAST):
Attention to Detail
Daily Operation/Staff Rotations
Listening Skills
Lifesaving Skills
Mechanical Knowledge/Aptitude
Time Management
Verbal/Written Communication
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