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School/Organization Name
Grade Level
2nd Grade Program:
Agree Somewhat Agree Not Sure Disagree
Today's program was presented in a grade appropriate manner for our group.
Today's program increased the student's level of understanding about habitats.
Today's program increased the student's level of understanding about the importance of the estuary.
4th Grade Program:
Agree Somewhat Agree Not Sure Disagree
Today's program was presented in a grade appropriate manner for our group.
Today's program increased the student's level of understanding about food chains.
Today's program increased the student's level of understanding about the importance of the estuary.
Today's program increased the student's level of understanding of animal adaptations.
Program Interest:
Did not find interesting (1) 2 3 4 Found really interesting (5)
Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Indoor Discovery Room
Outdoor Marsh Observation
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Is this your first visit to the GTM Research Reserve?
Very Likely Somewhat Likely Not Very Likely Probably Not
How likely are you to return to the GTM Research Reserve while NOT being part of a school group?
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