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Questions marked with a * are required Quitter le sondage
* How often do you interact with suppliers ? 
Please indicate the extent to which you think the following situation describes your relationship with suppliers : 
Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree
Suppliers always answer questions on time
Suppliers know to whom they need to communicate with
What are your ways to communicate with suppliers ?  Please rank them from the most to the less used.
Faites glisser vos choix ici pour les classer
    How often do your manager interfere in the relationship between you and suppliers ?
    Most of the time
    Only when there is an issue
    A few times
    When was the last time you had : 
    Yesterday Last week Last month Last year Before last year
    A raise in your salary
    A bonus
    A change in your missions
    A change in your position
    A change in your closer management
    How would you evaluate your satisfaction at work  :
    Choose a number of stars (1 you are poorly satisfied / 5 you are perfectly satisfied)
    What is your gender ?
    What is your age in years ?
    Do you work for the company :
    Full time
    4 days a week
    3 days a week
    Less than 3 days
    If you have any comments/questions about this questionnaire do not hesitate :