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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Are you a male or female?
Please choose how you feel at the bookstore?
(Please note, the website requested money for real pictures)
How often do you shop at the bookstore?
Please scale the slider to where your awnser would fall on the following subjects. Rating of 10 considered as excellent, 1 being terrible.
Bookstore Organization
Customer Service
Customer Relations
Rate what you are most likely to purchase.
* Horror
* Mystery
* Romance
* Fantasy
* Action/Adventure
* Please rank the following hours are best for you to shop in your day from 1 to 3.
8:00am - 12:00am
12:00am - 4:00pm
4:00pm - 8:00pm
How satisfied are you with the following:
Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Book selection
* Hours of operations
* Location of bookstore
* How often per month do you normally purchase a book?
* Please include your name, city of residence, and connection to the Saskpolytech Campus.
This information will be used to benefit the SaskPolyTechnic family!