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Hello: Thank you for choosing to participate in our Quality Improvement Project! This suvery will examine your opinions of shift report. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and your participation in this study is completely voluntary. This feedback will give Schoolcraft College nursing students feedback from nurses with experience practicing in the field. All information will remain confidential. If you have any questions please feel free to speak with the Schoolcraft nursing students on your unit. Thank you very much for your time and support. 

-Schoolcraft Nursing Students.
Years of experience as a Registered Nurse?
<2 years
3-10 years
>10 years
Prefer not to answer
Where do you mostly recieve beginning of shift report?
select one
Nursing station
Hallway outside patients room
Where do you mostly give end of shift report?
Select one
Nursing Station
Hallway outside patients room
Which type of shift report do you prefer? If not listed please give brief description
select one
Nursing Station
Hallway outside patient room
Brief description
How satisfied are you with the bedside setting during shift report:
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory
Interruptions (noisy,caotic)
Effective communication
How satisfied are you with information recieved during bedside shift report based on:
Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied
Patients status
Patients diagnoisis
Patients medications
IV or other tubing
How satisfied are you with the following during shift report:
Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied
Nurse involvement (reporting off)
Nurse involvement (reporting on)
Patient involvement
Please share any additional suggestions/comments
Schoolcraft College Nursing Students of 2017