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Retral Annual Employee Survey 2013

Exit Survey

The answers you provide will give a very helpful insight and form the basis of the future plans for Retrak. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. You can be assured of confidentiality, as the survey responses are anonymous. Your opinion counts and we will review this regularly and demonstrate where changes have been made.

PART A) About You:

1. I normally work in:
2. I am:
3. What is the nature of your role? Please outline briefly.
4. How long have you been employed by Retrak?
Less than one year
1-2 years
3-5 years
More than 5 years
Below are a number of statements which could be made about working for Retrak. Please indicate the level to which you agree or disagree with each statement by selecting the appropriate box.

Section 1) Children
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Retrak fully understands the plight of street children
Retrak programs meet the felt needs of street children
Retrak is well known by children on the street
Retrak understands the reasons why children arrive on the street
Retrak encourages children to regain their childhood through play and other activities
Retrak offers enough help to children in foster care or who have been reintegrated
Retrak listens to the views of street children
Retrak effectively represents and promotes the plight of street children with the authorities (eg UNICEF, Local Government etc) and other bodies
Our child safeguarding policies and training is adequate
Section 2) The Organisation
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Retrak is successful in achieving its Vision for Street Children
I know what Retrak’s values are
I am clear about what Retrak is trying to achieve
I understand why Retrak works with partners in other countries
The organisation cares more about financial income than it does about staff
Retrak puts the health and wellbeing of its employees first
Retrak is too bureaucratic
I have not seen any bullying at Retrak between staff
The organisation is good at strategic decisions
Retrak does not like taking risks
Retrak is an innovative organisation
Retrak is honest in its dealings with staff
Section 3) Opportunity and Diversity
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Retrak gives me a chance to balance work and family commitments
The organisation promotes the best people for the job
Men and women have the same chance of succeeding at Retrak
The work environment is free from sexual harassment
The work environment is free from ethnic discrimination
The organisation provides equal opportunities regardless of age
I feel safe to speak up about discrimination and harassment
Section 4) Management and Leadership Style
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Retrak is a well managed organisation
The quality of management at Retrak is very good
I know who is in the Executive Team at Retrak
Managers in Retrak lead by example
Managers inspire staff with a positive vision
The style of management is consistent with the values of the organisation
The behaviour and decision making of managers is consistent across the organisation
There is a strong sense of “them” and “us” between managers and other employees
I am often thanked by my manager if I do a good job
I get full credit for the work I do
Poor performance is dealt with effectively
Section 5) Organisational change
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The reasons for organisational change are well communicated
Retrak supports the people affected by change
Change initiatives have been well co-ordinated
The pace of organisational change is about right
Many of the changes are unnecessary
Section 6) Workload and Stress
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I have a clear idea of my work priorities
I have enough time & resources to get everything done in my job
I work more than my contracted hours on a regular basis
I cannot control the amount of work that comes to me
I am happy with the number of hours that I work
I feel I am under too much pressure at work
It is always a rush to get my work done
I sometimes feel that I am asked to take on too much work
I feel guilty about taking time off when I am sick
I have enough support from my colleagues to do my job
The flexibility of Retrak culture helps me to manage my work effectively
I get job requests from too many people
My work demands are badly affecting my life outside work
I feel guilty about taking time off for annual leave
Section 7) Team Working
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
All staff work together as a team
I trust the people that I work with
We achieve more as a team than as individuals
Team working provides me with the opportunity to learn from other people in the organisation
I have a real opportunity to participate in team decisions
Individual contribution to team effort is recognised
Team goals are clear
Communication is good within my team
Team meetings are held regularly
It is easy to raise issues at team meetings
Team meetings are well managed
Differences within teams are resolved openly and constructively
Teams are good at utilising the different qualities of members
The team I work in is well managed
I am happy to approach other team members when there is a difficulty in our working relationship
Section 8) Job Satisfaction
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I am proud to tell others that I work for Retrak
I have the opportunity to be creative in my job
I am doing interesting and challenging work
Most days I am enthusiastic about my job
My skills and abilities are fully utilised in my job
I feel secure in my job
In the last 12 months I have thought about leaving Retrak
I have sufficient responsibility in my job
Retrak is a better place to work now than it was 12 months ago
I get a sense of personal achievement from my job
Section 9) Performance and Development
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I receive regular supervision and line management from my Manager (1 to 1’s)
I receive honest feedback about my performance from my manager
I get feedback on my performance from my colleagues
I only hear from my manager when I have done something wrong
I give feedback to my colleagues on their performance
I am noticed when I do a good job
The organisation supports self-development
My manager encourages training and development
I am responsible for managing my own development
We can learn a lot from what is happening in other Retrak projects
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I have enough information to make the best decisions about my personal development
I have enough time in my job for training and development
I get sufficient training to do my job well
Training and development is valued by Retrak
I have to push to get training
Retrak provides me with the skills and development that will make me employable outside the organisation
My performance has improved as a result of skills I have developed over the past 12 months
Retrak will provide me with the career opportunities that I want
I have the skills and experience I need to work in another organisation
Section 10) Communication and Consultation
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
There is enough communication across the organisation
Retrak provides the right amount of information
I feel I am consulted before Retrak makes changes that affect me
I get the information I need to do my job well
I am kept well informed about what Retrak is doing
Retrak is a listening organisation
Retrak listens to my point of view
When I share a work problem or issue with my line manager I feel listened to and know it will be acted upon
There are too many channels of communication
I hear most things first through the grapevine
Section 11) Pay and Benefits
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I am rewarded fairly in view of my contribution
I am highly paid for what I do
I am happy with the pay I receive
I am rewarded fairly in comparison to other people in Retrak doing comparable jobs
I was happy with my last salary increase
I am paid well in comparison to others in the same type of job in comparable organisations
Prayer meetings are vital to the success of Retrak
I am clear about Retrak’s ethos and values
I am happy to support Retrak’s Christian ethos
I understand how Retrak’s Christian ethos impacts on my job role and the wider organisation
PART B) Please indicate the extent to which you would value Retrak providing the following:
Considerable extent Some extent Little extent Not at all Not aware of the beneift/Not applicable
Flexible Working Patterns
Health Insurance
Sickness Benefit
PART C) Looking to the Future: Below are some features of work that people at Retrak may consider important in the future. Looking ahead 3-5 years from now, how important do you think each of these features will be to you?
Very Important Important Neither important nor unimportant Unimportant Very unimportant
Opportunity to develop new skills
Opportunities to be innovative and creative
More freedom to make decisions
Promotion opportunities
Working in teams
Unpaid career breaks
Opportunities to meet staff from other Retrak projects
A balance between work and family life
Employment security
Good pay levels
Control over your workload
Secondments to other organisations
YOUR COMMENTS: What three things would you improve about working for Retrak?
Please use the space below for any other comments that you wish to make to express your own views or situation. Remember that these views will be treated in confidence.