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This questionnaire is designed to aid me in my research for my dissertation. I am using it to try and gauge people’s opinions about the intranet for the institute of Business and Law, which is known as Build.

This questionnaire should take no longer than a few minutes to complete.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential.

Thank you very much for your time and support.

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

* Course:
* Year:
* Have you used an intranet other than Build before?
Yes No

* If yes, how does Build compare to other intranets you have used?
Better About the same Worse

* In your experience do you think that intranets are a useful tool to aid students whilst at university?
Yes No

* On a scale of one (low) to five (high) rate your experience of using PC's:
1. Not at all 2. Very Basic 3. Fair 4. Experienced 5. Very Experienced

On a scale of one (low) to five (high) rate your experience as a user of Build:
1. Not at all 2. Very basic 3. Fair 4. Experienced 5. Very experienced

* Rank the following list of main benefits of the Build intranet from 1 to 4, where 1 is the most beneficial and 4 is the least beneficial.
Communication benfits (forums, messages)
To cut down on paper
Save time and money
Up to date information (folders etc)

* Do you feel that Build has been designed to benefit the students or the University?
Students University Both

* How often do you use Build?
Never Monthly Weekly Every day More than once a day

* How often do you read the messages on Build?
Every time i log on Every other time Sparingly Never

* Do you feel that Build helps with your studies/research?
Yes No

* To what extent do you feel that Build actively benefits you?
Not at all A little Fair amount A lot Vastly

* To what extent do you feel that Build actively benefits your course?
Not at all A little Fair amount A lot Vastly

* Does Build help you communicate with other students?
Yes No

* Where do you access Build from? You may select as many as you like.


* Do you feel that Build needs to be made easier to use and navigate?
Yes No
* Do you think the content of the intranet needs to be improved?
Yes No

* Do you feel that you can find what you need on build?
Yes No

* Do you feel you could use Build more effectively with basic training?
Yes No

* Would you like Build designed to be more user friendly?
Yes No

* Do you feel that Build would be more successful if you had more influence on what Build includes and how it works?
Yes No

* Do you think it would benefit your course if a representative from your course could be actively involved in the design of Build?
Yes No

* Do you feel that Build could aid you further than it already does?
Yes No
If you have any other comments that you would like to add about Build or what enhancements you would like to see added to Build please put them in the box provided below: