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How interested would you be in buying professionally made cakes from me?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Somewhat uninterested
Very uninterested
How important are the following features when you buy cakes?
Not Important Very Important
Quality of ingredients
Presentation of cake(s)
Delivery charges
A mass produced 2 tier (10" and 8") maderia sponge cake from a leading retailer costs approx £20 - £25. What would you be prepared to pay for an individually made and decorated cake from me? My cake would be approx 3" deep and would be filled with buttercream in the middle and around the sides. It would then be iced with fondant icing, smoothed and finished with a ribbon at the base.
£30 - £45
£45 - £60
£60 - £75
£75 - £90
A mass produced 2 tier (10" and 8") fruit cake from a leading retailer costs approx £60. What would you be prepared to pay for a 2 tiered) iced fruit cake from me? My cake would be approx 3" deep, be iced with marzipan and then fondant icing and finished with a ribbon at the base?
£50 - £75
£75 - £100
£100 - £125
Would you be more or less interested in purchasing my cakes if it had any of the following?
Much Less Interested Less Interested Neutral More Interested Much More Interested
Hand made flowers
Royal icing decoration
Piped writing
Character modelling with icing
Chocolate flowers
What additional features would you like to see included with my cakes? What sort of package would you like to see included?
How often would you buy cakes from me?
Once a week
Once a month
Every other month
Once or twice a year
Would not use
What would be your main reason for buying cakes from me?
Would definately buy Would possibly buy Unlikely to buy Not interested
Wedding cakes
Christening cakes
Birthday / celebration cakes
Christmas cakes
Cup cakes
Basic cakes e.g. carrot cake / Victoria sponge
If my cakes were available today, when would you be most likely to purchase?
Within the next month
Between 1 and 3 months from now
Between 4 and 6 months from now
Between 7 months and a year from now
More than a year from now
I'm not interested
What do you currently use as an alternative to my hand made cakes?
Grocery store e.g. Tesco
I make them myself
Family / friend makes them
Purchase from another professional cake shop
I use no service similar to the proposed service
Please provide any additional comments on what you would like from my cakes and what you would like to see in the business.
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