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Public Education Foundation Innovation Institute

Exit Survey
We are excited that you will be participating in the Innovation Institute focusing on Performance-based teaching and learning.  Prior to the start of the Institute, would you please complete the following anonymous and confidential survey.

Please complete the survey by June 30th.  Your responses will help Dr. Gonczi tailor the workshop to meet your interests and needs.
If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Deal, [email protected].

* 1. What types of educational technology are you most comfortable with in your teaching practice?
* 2. What types of educational technology are you least comfortable using in your teaching practice?
* 3. What types of technology would you like to learn more about and think would benefit your teaching practice the most?
* 4.  What is your comfort level with inquiry-based instruction?
1-very low
4-slightly above average
5- high
* 5.  What is your comfort level with performance-based instruction?
1-very low
4-slightly above average
5- high
* 6. What are the obstacles you face in incorporating more inquiry-based teaching into your practice?
* 7. What are the obstacles you face in incorporating more performance-based teaching into your practice?