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You are invited to participate in our survey of the PLUK "supervision" call with Kee Dunning. It will take approximately five minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact [email protected].
I participated on this call.
(if the answer is "No" just skip the rest of the questions and submit)
I was able to be on for:
part of the call
the whole call
The audio/video quality of the call was:
Really bad
Had to leave
Tell us anything else about the quality of the call, any problems you had, and how it may be improved:
1. From your impression, what did the purpose of the meeting appear to be?
2. What was one positive outcome you saw as a result of this meeting?
3. Name one thing you didn't like so much about this meeting.
4. What would you add or change to improve this meeting?
5. Name your prioritized list of issues, materials, outcomes you feel needs to be addressed (doesn't have to be items brought up at the meeting).
6. What is the one thing you feel that should be addressed first that would have highest impact?
7. List everything you learned you can remember that will be useful in your work with individuals, kids, and families.
Please respond to the following:
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
I learned something new I can use today.
I would attend a meeting like this again.
I found the information to be high quality.
I found the information to be relevant to my work.
Overall, this meeting was a good use of my time.
Rate this survey:
Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor
Do you have any suggestions for additions or changes to this survey?
Share any final comments here:
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