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How old did your child start joining playgroup?
6 months or below
6 months-1 year old
1 year old-1.5 years old
1.5 years old -2 years old
2 years old -2.5 years old
2.5 years old-3 years
3 years old or above
Do your children attend more than one baby and toddler or starters/preschool sessions?
How many playgroup your child had attended until now?
4 or above
What do you consider as the main difficulties for your child?(can list more than one)
Please rank the most important skills you want your child to learn from playgroup? (go to the part of your first priority )
communication, language skill (go to part A)
social skill (go to part B)
developing self interest (go to part C)
developing personality (go to part D)
A) 1.Why do you think that communication, language skill is more important?
A2.Which activities is useful to have better communication skill? (can tick more than one)
music and singing
imaginative play
story telling( from teacher)
outdoor activities (e.g. BBQ)
free play
art and craft activities
group work with peers
learning vocabularies

A3.How can it help with your child’s future?
getting in kindergarden
getting in primary school

Communication, language and literacy
A4.To what extent your child can do the followings?
(1: mostly not 5: always do)
1 2 3 4 5
Uses words and/or gestures including
body language, eye contact and facial expression
Listens to favourite nursery rhymes and stories
Uses simple statements and questions
Uses vocabulary that reflects experience
Uses talk, actions and objects to connect ideas
Initiates conversation
Interacts with others, negotiating and taking turns in conversation
Speaks clearly and audibly
Distinguishes sounds
Enjoys books
Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding letters of the alphabet
Retells narrative in sequence
Forms recognisable letters/shapes
Uses a pencil/crayon and holds it effectively
B)1.Why do you think that social skill is more important?
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