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Phase 3. Completion

Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
Well done for staying on track. You are doing really great! We care about you and your results. That's why Dr. Chris would like you to answer a few questions before you can move on to the next phase.
* 1. What improvements have you observed on the program. This can be in any area of your life - your body, marriage, kids, business, family, at work, etc.
* 2. What do feel has been most valuable about what you've learned?
* 3. How as taking control of your health impacted other areas of your life?
* 4. What goals and/or dreams would you like to achieve once the program is finished (this can, but doesn't have to be related to your health)? 
* 5. What have been your successes and wins?
* 6. Do you have any cool ideas or suggestions you'd like to share?
* 7. Based on your experience, who do you know that would benefit from our program? What do you feel is the best way to tell them about it?
* Can we publish your answers to encourage and inspire others? (If you'd prefer that we use only the first letter of your last name and not your full name, please let us know.)
* Name