Exit Survey
Thank you again for attending the Quarterly Leader's Training on Tuesday, October 18. The goal of these meetings is to provide South Dakota 4-H Leaders with quality training pieces, information about new programs, tools to help maximize the time you spend volunteering, and an opportunity to network with fellow leaders in your area and across the state.

Your input will help us to select useful topics and format the evenings to enhance your learning. Thank you for your participation!
Are you ....
a Volunteer

Please enter the number that best describes how much you agree with the the following statement both AFTER and BEFORE the training provided.


1  for Strongly Disagree

2  for Disagree

3  for Neutral

4  for Agree

5 for Strongly Agree
Before the Training After the Training
I can assist a first time volunteer as they enroll in 4-H.
I can reenroll myself without assistance.
I can briefly explain the Character All Star program to a teen.
I can identify the key ingredients of positive youth development.
I understand and can explain the essential elements to others.
I can discuss the essential elements with ease with other volunteers/staff.
I can lead discussions related to the activities used.
I can compare the different ingredients that make a youth program work.
I can distinguish each essential element from the others.

How satisfied are you with the following:

Balance of short topics and in depth subject
​​​​​​​Networking opportunity
We did not offer refreshments at this meeting, what is your preference?
No refreshments
Definitely provide refreshments
It doesn't matter, just tell us which way it will be
Please rank (1-3) these starting times according to your preference :
5:30 mtn 6:30 ctrl
6:00 mtn 7:00 ctrl
6:30 mtn 7:30 ctrl
INPUT FOR FUTURE SESSIONS:  Comments/Suggestions/Ideas for future topics:
If you want Character All Star handouts sent to you, please provide your Contact Information
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Address 1 : 
Address 2 : 
City : 
State : 
Zip :