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1. What is the name, address and primary contact person for the garden? Do you have any community affiliations?
2. What is the size of your garden? When was it established? How many gardeners tend to it?
3. What is the primary use of your garden? Who is able to participate in your garden? If you have plots, how many? Do you have room for more people to join?
4. What are unique attributes of your garden (tilled, composting, trees, sitting areas, raised beds, fence)? If known, what was on the site before the garden?
5. Has the soil been tested?
6. What would be helpful to you as a community gardener as we build an organized group of local neighborhood gardeners?
7. Do you have any issues or concerns with your garden?
8. Do you want to receive information (bi-monthly) from other gardeners-their success, struggles, giveaways, advice etc.?
9. What types of information would also be helpful to you as a community gardener?
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