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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with our  Navratri event.
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with the following aspects of our Navratri arrangements
Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Garba Timings
* Garba Ground
* Lighting
* Sound System
* Music Content
* Mandap
* Aarti Arrangements
* Snacks & Beverages
* Dusherra Dinner
* How likely are you to recommend other society members to attend next time?
Not Likely at all
Not Likely
Very Likely
Comment: What did you like the most about the Navratri event?
Comment: What did you like the least about the Navratri event?
Comment: How do you think this event could have been improved?
Are there any other comments or suggestion you would like to make?
* Please select your block
A Block
B Block
C Block
D Block
E Block
F Block