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National University Student Survey

National University Student Union Usage Survey
Exit Survey
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the National University Student Union Usage Survey (NUSUUS).  This survey is designed to get a better understanding of the use of the current student union facility in order to plan for its renovation starting next summer.  Our goal with this project is to ensure the newly redesigned student union fits your needs, and the needs of our university in the future.  If you have any questions please feel free to email [email protected].
Please select your gender:
Prefer not to answer
Please enter your age:
What best describes your current enrollment status at National University? (Please note that a "part-time" student is defined as any student enrolled in LESS than 12 credits per semester)
Part-time undergraduate student
Full-time undergraduate student
Part-time graduate student
Full-time graduate student
Non-degree seeking student
What best describes your current residential status at National University?
I live on campus
I live off campus
Are you currently employed? If so, please pick what best describes your current employment situation.
No, I am not currently employed
Yes, I work part-time, primarily on campus
Yes, I work full-time, primarily on campus
Yes, I work part-time, primarily off campus
Yes, I work full-time, primarily off campus
I prefer not to answer
Please indicate which, and how often, you use the services currently available in the student union:
Frequently (>3 times/week) Often (1-2 times/week) Occasionally (a few times/month) Rarely (a few times/year) Never I do not use any services in the student union
Student Organization Offices
Convenience Store
What, if any, additional services would you like to see in the student union? (check all that apply)
Coffee Shop
Common meeting rooms
Fast food eatery (chain)
Game room/Multipurpose room
Lounge area
Post office
Study/meditation area (quiet space)

What best describes how you normally use/purchase textooks?
I buy them at the on-campus bookstore
I buy them at an off-campus "brick and mortar" store (such as Barnes and Noble)
I buy them through an online service (such as
I rent them through an online service (such as
I check them out/use them at the campus library
I do not use textbooks/My professors do not assign textbooks
On a scale of 1-10, please rate how satisfied you are with the current student union (1=very unsatisfied, 7=very satisfied):
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