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Which of the following best describes your use of a Nap Nanny product?
It is currently in use by my child/children
It was previously in use until my child/children outgrew it or found a new method
My child/children never used one, but I purchased a Nap Nanny for another person
I have registered for or plan to buy a Nap Nanny product for my family's use
Neither I nor anybody I know has used a Nap Nanny
When it comes to products for your baby, how influential are the following sources in your decision-making? (1-5 Scale, 5 is most influential)



Family opinion
Friend opinion
Magazine ad
Company website or Facebook page
Reviews from real Moms online or in print
Article or mention online or in print
Availability at stores i visit - seeing the product close up in store
Referral from Pediatrician or hospital
Referral from baby nurse, doula, lactation consultant or nanny
How did you first hear about the Nap Nanny?
Magazine ad
Company website or Facebook page
Reviews from real Moms online or in print
Article or mention online or in print
Saw it in a store
Saw it at a Mom's Expo, show or event
Referral from Pediatrician or hospital
Referral from baby nurse, doula, lactation consultant or nanny
In the case of the Nap Nanny, which of the following sources made a difference in your decision to purchase? (Please select all that apply)
Family opinion
Friend opinion
Magazine ad
Company website or Facebook page
Reviews from real Moms online or in print
Article or mention online or in print
Availability at stores I visit - seeing the product up close in store
Referral from Pediatrician or hospital
Referral form baby nurse, doula, lactation consultant or nanny

Which of the following publications do you/did you regularly read? (Please select all that apply)
American Baby
Mother & Baby
Healthy Mom & Baby
Parenting (The Early Years)
Fit Pregnancy
Pregnancy & Newborn
New Parent

What other types of media about babies and baby products do you/did you regularly use? (Please select all that apply)
Parenting blogs
Health and wellness sites such as WebMD
Reviews on eCommerce sites such as and
Facebook communities dedicated to parenting
Shows or expos with products for babies and new mothers

Did you have a baby registry?
At which of the following retailers did you register? (Please select all that apply)
Buy Buy Baby
Babies R Us
Baby Depot (Burlington Coat Factory)

At what point in your pregnancy did you set up your registry?
1-3 months
4-6 months
7-9 months
After 9 months
Did you include a Nap Nanny product in your registry?
Why didn't you include a Nap Nanny product in your registry?
I was unaware of the Nap Nanny product at the time
I was concerned that the price point wasn't right for a gift expectation
I did not feel a need for a Nap Nanny product until after the baby was born
I planned to purchase the Nap Nanny product myself
I already had a Nap Nanny product to hand down
The store(s) I used did not offer Nap Nanny products
Which version(s) of the Nap Nanny did you purchase/receive? (Please select all that apply)
Nap Nanny Gen 1 (available from approximately January-August 2009)
Nap Nanny Gen 2 (available from approximately August 2009-January 2011)
Nap Nanny Chill (available from January 2011 to the present)
Don't know

How many children do you have in your household?
Soon to be 1
More than 3
Did you purchase/receive a Nap Nanny for your first child?
When you received/purchased the Nap Nanny, how old was the baby (or babies) for whom it was intended?
Not yet born
0-2 months
3-4 months
5-6 months
7-9 months
10-12 months
Over 12 months
In terms of the timing of your purchase/receipt of the Nap Nanny, which of the following statements best matches your opinion/experience?
I knew before my baby was born that I wanted Nap Nanny
I obtained a Nap Nanny after my baby was born when it became clear how challenging sleep would become in general (for baby and parent)
I obtained a Nap Nanny when it became clear that my baby had specific sleep challenges due to colic, reflux, etc.
From which retailer was the Nap Nanny purchase made?
Direct from
Babies R Us
Buy Buy Baby
Local baby store (independent)
Other Internet retailer
What were the circumstances of your purchase/receipt of the Nap Nanny?
Self purchased at a retail store
Self purchased online
Received as a gift separate from a baby registry
Received as part of registry
eBay/Purchased used
Hand-me-down from friend/family
Did you have any problems finding the Nap Nanny in stock at your retailer of choice?
Yes - I had to wait until it was in stock/shipping took longer than normal
Yes - so I purchased it from another retailer
Don't know
If Nap Nanny was available at Target, would you have been likely to purchase/receive it from there?
Please select the following statement about Nap Nanny that most closely matches your opinion:
A Nap Nanny is essential - like a car seat, stroller or other must-have item, every family should have at least one
A Nap Nanny is important - it makes a real difference, but most babies can sleep well through other means
A Nap Nanny can be important if the baby has particular problems sleeping (colic, reflux, restlessness) - but its value is based on the needs of the specific child
A Nap Nanny is nice to have, but not among the most important things to get
A Nap Nanny is not worth getting
How important are the following aspects of Nap Nanny's product to you and your family? (1-5 scale, 5 is most important)



My baby sleeps better/longer, so I have more time to relax and sleep too
With Nap Nanny, my baby sleeps out of the car seat/swing and/or my arms - it has helped us reach a developmental milestone in terms of sleep
My baby is restless, colicky or has reflux, and Nap Nanny helps my baby sleep
Because it is portable, Nap Nanny helps my baby get good sleep wherever we go
To the best of your knowledge, where/how is it safe to use a Nap Nanny? (Please select all that apply)
On a floor
In a crib
In a pack n' play
In a moving car
On a bed
On a table
On a sofa

Where/how do you or did you use the Nap Nanny? (Please select all the apply)
On a floor
In a crib
In a pack n' play
In a moving car
On a bed
On a table
On a sofa

As you considered the Nap Nanny, which of the following were among your concerns? (Please select all that apply)
The price was more than I expected to spend
I didn't like the style or how it worked with my home décor
I wasn't sure that my baby would need it sleep
I wasn't sure that it would work to improve sleep
I was concerned about child safety
I didn't like that it could only be used on the floor
I had no major concerns about Nap Nanny

Which of the following do you think is the most compelling benefit of Nap Nanny?
Everybody sleeps! Baby sleeps longer so adults can too
Making strides! Baby is getting on track as a sleeper - next step, crib
The perfect angle! Baby sleeps in a comfortable and healthy position
Baby on the go! Great sleep no matter where the family travels
On a scale of 1-5 (5 is most), how satisfied are you with the Nap Nanny you purchased/received?



If the Nap Nanny had not been available, what other alternatives would you have considered? This could be a specific product, other solution, etc.
What is the first thing you would tell a friend about why a Nap Nanny matters?
The Nap Nanny is currently intended for use with infants 8 lbs and up and the retail price is $129.99. If a smaller, less expensive version of the Nap Nanny was made available for shorter-term use for newborns up to 5 months (including 'preemies'), how would that have changed your purchase behavior?
I would have purchased both (smaller and larger size) versions
I would have only purchased the smaller Nap Nanny
I would have first purchased the smaller Nap Nanny and determined later if my child needed the regular Nap Nanny after 5 months
I would have only purchased the larger (regular) Nap Nanny
Don't know
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