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My future

Val Mikesell - Agency Principal - ERS
Exit Survey
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1. How often do you evaluate your financial goals?
a. Once a year
b. Once every 5 years
c. I don't have a consistent plan to evaluate
d. I am supposed to have a goal?
2. Do you feel you are saving enough for retirement?
a. I save way more than I need to.
b. I know I am not saving enough.
c. How much is enough but I would like to know.
d. I have never saved ever consistently and I need to change that.
3. In your opinion, what is the key to having enough money for retirement?
a. Try to get the best rate of return for my money regardless of the risk.
b. Watch what my friends, co-workers and family do and then I simply follow them.
c. Finding safe places to put my money so that I won't lose it.
d. I need to be compelled to save. If I'm not, I'll never save anything.
4. What is the greatest obstacle to you in your ability to save successfully?
a. Poor discipline.
b. I don't make enough income or my debt is to high.
c. My spouse over spends and that hurts our ability to save.
d. I have to much debt.
e. I have no such obstacles. I am on track and will hit my retirement goals.
5. What kind of risk are you willing to take to save for the future?
a. Let it all ride. I am not concerned about losing my money.
b. I want to be a little cautious but still take some risk.
c. I'm running out of time and I really can't afford to take risk but I will listen.
d. I don't want to risk any portion of my money. I need to keep everything I saved.
6. When it comes to knowing about what you are doing, what statement below best describes your feelings.
a. I only want to know the bottom line. Don't take me to school again and teach me everything.
b. It's important that I at least get an overview and some education.
c. Let's cover some of the details but for the most part, still keep it the "Big Picture" for me now.
d. I want to know every single little detail regardless of how long it takes for me to absorb it.
7. Do you know how much you will need for your retirement?
a. I haven't got a clue and I need help with that.
b. I have a general idea but I really need to know.
c. I understand a great deal about how much I want and need but I want a second set of eyes to confirm it.
d. I have it down to the exact penny what I need. Do you want to see my spreadsheet?
8. Where do you get most of your financial advice from?
a. From my buddy. But when we talk, we normally talk about other things like fishing and knitting and planning vacations.
b. I sat down once with a financial adviser, but I can't really remember what we covered though.
c. From my meetings at work and an occasional workshop on savings and investing.
d. I am a knowledge hound. I always have my nose stuck in a book or visiting website on savings and investments along with a great financial adviser.
9. Do you believe you need to have a professional to help assist you on saving for retirement?
a. Nope! Got it handled.
b. I could use someone to look over my shoulders and give me their input. I will make the final decision though.
c. I know I could really use someone like that because without it, I likely won't get it done.
d. Quick, throw me a life line. I need a lot of help.
10. Do you currently work with an adviser?
a. Yes, I have a stock broker.
b. I have a certified planner I am working with.
c. I work with an insurance agent to save.
d. I have no professional that I am working with.
11. Do you maintain savings in a bank account? If so, how many months of lost income could you cover in the event of your income is interrupted?
a. I maintain at least 6 months of my income in reserve.
b. I have enough to cover 3 months of my income.
c. After thirty days, I am in trouble.
d. I maintain an account with the bank of mom and dad. Anytime I am short, I call them.
12. If you are married or in a domestic relationship, who would you say is the better saver?
a. That's easy, it's me.
b. I'll fess up, the other person of the house does much better job.
c. We are both pretty good. Look at our balance sheet. Any questions?
d. That's not a fair question. Now we both are in trouble.
13. Again, if married or in a domestic relationship, what kind of shape would you leave the survivor in financially, if you got very sick.
a. We'd be in great shape! We have plans to address that.
b. We've done some good things but we know there are holes that could hurt both of us.
c. We have little if anything in place to protect either one of us and that could put us in a very bad spot.
d. If something happens, the other person will have to figure it out. That's just the way it is with us.
14. How likely are you to be depending on Social Security being a major segment of your retirement picture?
a. I am not worried about Social Security. We will be fine without it.
b. I want to plan as if I won't need it.
c. I know we will need it but I'm just not sure how big a piece it will be.
d. I'm counting on it. Right now, its the only thing I have going for retirement.
e. I don't believe it will be there for me when I retire.
15. Today, up to 85% of your social security can be taxed as income. You might be able to avoid it. How important is it to you that you protect that income from federal income taxes?
a. It's vitally important. I need to keep as much of it as I can.
b. I'm not sure. I need to see what that would look like.
c. I still would rather plan without having to worry about that.
d. I'm not concerned. I will have plenty of money regardless.
16. What are your feelings on federal income taxes?
a. I hate paying taxes. The least amount I pay the better.
b. I don't want to miss opportunities to lowering my tax bill.
c. I just want to pay my fair share. Nothing more.
d. I am not concerned about taxes. They won't affect me anyway.
17. When you retire, do you want to live off of taxable or nontaxable income?
a. I want to go completely income tax free if I can.
b. I want to have a mix of taxable and nontaxable income.
c. I want all of my income to be taxable at retirement.
d. I just hope I have some income.
18.Our national debt has nearly doubled in 8 years to vear 19 trillion dollars and now threatens the savings of every American. How concerned are you personally about your own retirement savings?
a. I have no concern. I trust my elected leaders to fix it.
b. I am not sure why, but I am worried about it.
c. I have strong concerns. This can't go on like this and not affect my savings.
d. We are in a national dire shape and we personally need to take action on our own to protect what we have.
19. With Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and VA benefits and other entitlement programs along with welfare and government subsidized health care, (Affordable Care Act), spiraling upward in cost, what will congress likely do to address this approaching crisis?*
a. Cut back entitlements to reverse the growth.
b. Increase taxes to cover the increasing cost.
c. Cut back entitlements and government subsidies increase taxes.
d. I haven't foggiest idea of what you are talking about.
20. Considering the potential of changing tax rates, tax brackets, government debt and loss of itemized deductions, which below best describes what you believe your retirement tax picture will look like.
a. I will be in the exact bracket that I am in today.
b Even with lower income, lost deductions may put me at a higher rate
c. With the combination of lost deductions and bracket changes, I may be in a higher bracket.
d. I firmly believe I will be in a higher bracket and I need to start planning for it.
21. Have you completed a will that includes power of attorney directives for health care and financials?
a. Yes. We did it within the past 5 years.
b. We have one but it was done many years ago.
c. We know we need one but we just keep putting it off.
d. What's a will?
22. If you have children, how important is it to you that they receive something from your estate after your death?
a. Let them go get their own fortune. I'm spending all my money.
b. I want to leave them something.
c. Better they get something rather than give it away to the government.
d. I want to preserve as much for them as possible even if it means I have to curtail my own standard of living.
23. If you have life insurance for our family, business or a beloved organization, which statement best sums up your feelings on it.
a. I am well covered. So is my spouse/significant other.
b. My coverage isn't nearly enough. It would create a financial hardship.
c. I am single so it's not important to me right now.
e. If I die, who cares? Let them eat cake. They'll figure it out.
24. If you are covered for life insurance, which statement best describes how you feel about its current state.
a. I am well set and know exactly what I am doing. If I need your help, I will let you know.
b. I try to be a smart consumer and I am open to hearing what options are out there.
c.I really don't understand what I have. I believe I could use some help.
d. I know I need to re-evaluate my needs and the appropriate plan for it and could use some help.
25. How many years do you believe you will need to keep your coverage?
a. 1-15 more years
b. 16-30 more years
d. I need to keep it permanently.
e. Don't need it anymore.
26. From birth, 70% of all Americans will have either a heart attack, stroke or cancer before reaching age 65*. Many will live to talk about it. Which statement best describes our feelings on it.
a. I'm in the 30% club. It won't happen to me.
b. I have had family and friends go through an illness like this. I need to discuss it. I might be next.
c. I know that the odds are against me. I don't want my family to have the financial hardship that comes with it.
d .A close family member just went through this. I need to discuss it.
27. Again, 70% of all Americans will wind up having to receive long term care in their lifetime. Which statement sums up your thoughts on it?
a. I will have plenty of retirement assets. If something happens, the money will be there and still enough left to take care of my family.
b. An expense like that would be financial ruin and my family would be devastated.
c. We gave assets to cover it but I would rather have an alternative plan.
d. I am resigned that I will be on Medicaid if and when that would happen to me.
28. With the substantial risk of severe health decline and serious illnesses, which statement best describes your view of yourself.
a. I'm the poster child of health and fitness. I do all the right things from diet to exercise.
b. I'm okay. I could stand exercise a little more to shed few pounds and try to get off some medications but overall, I feel pretty good about myself.
c. It's been a challenge. Seems like I am starting to see more and more health issues to come up and it concerns me.
d. It's very difficult. Not sure I can reverse the trend but I'm thankful for the medical attention I have today.
e. I really don't like thinking or talking about it.
29. Family history can be a predictor of our own future. How would you describe your own family's history?
a. I am so glad I have my family genes. The future looks bright for me.
b. I have seen some of my family member have issues with major health challenges but I believe I am doing the right things to avoid the same problems.
c. It's very concerning. I do see health issue with my family that I am afraid that I may have to face also.
d. It's a forgone conclusion. These things are heading my way and I need to prepare for them.
e. It's awful to speculate on it and I really don't like thinking about it.
30. If you have children, what statement best describes your current state in preparing them for college?
a. My kid is getting a full ride scholarship. Yippee! I don't have to worry about it.
b. I've been saving saving for their college. But is the opt our of going to college, this could cost me some governmental penalties if I wanted to do something else with the money.
c. I don't have the capability to pay for all of the education but at least like to get them started.
d. They're not going to college. I have no concerns there for me.
31. Most of us Americans spend more time planning our vacations than planning for our financial future. Which statement best describes you?
a. What's the point anymore? How is spending time on this going to change my outcome now?
b. This statement describes me to the T but I don't want to be like this anymore. I know I have to spend time on this to give me a chance of being successful.
c. I do spend as much time on it as I should. Being more disciplined will only help me and this questionnaire reminds me that I can make that difference if I chose to.
d. I am very disciplined. Even as a family, we treat our family finances like a business. We have a great future in front of us. I am more interested in what more you can bring to the table and help make it even better.
32. The world is changing. New tools and technologies are becoming common place. How do you feel about "online" meeting processes with video capabilities versus meeting in person?
a. I love it. I don't have to go get in a car and go into someones office and they don't have to come to my house. It's perfect and I am totally comfortable with it.
b. It's new to me and I'm not entirely sure how I really feel about it. But I will remain opened minded and be willing to try it.
c. I don't like it. I would rather see my planner eye ball to eye ball. Face to face. It's important for me to size the person up.
d. I am totally okay either way. Whatever works out best for both of us. What's important is that the right thing gets done for me.
33. You covered several topics from savings, taxes, risk on money, government involvement, health issues, survivorship and goal planning. Based on where you are today, how motivated are you to address one or more of these issues?
a. Long overdue. These issues won't sort themselves out on their own. I willing to put some focus on them to secure more success for my future.
b. I can't take on all of these but I recognize that there are key ones that I truly want to tackle. .
c. I am not sure that I can address any of these but I am willing to have that discussion. .
d. I am beyond help. But I appreciate you having me go through this exercise..
e. I am great shape. This was an interesting questionnaire but I really have all of these areas well handled.
34. Was this questionnaire helpful? Did it help you focus and motivate you to take action and should other people be invited to do this as well?
a. Yes. It was very helpful and I am excited to go to the next step. Others should do this questionnaire.
b. It was very helpful. Similar to other ones I have seen before but it did motivate me to take action. Other people should consider doing this as well. .
c. I already knew my problem areas. But this motivated me to faced them finally. Not sure if other people would get the same value our of it. .
d. Nothing new here for me. Just confirmation of the things I had conclude on already.
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